Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2421 He is ready to believe her...

Chapter 2423 He is ready to believe her...

Xiao Ning's explanation made Bai Yeyuan particularly upset.

Did she really not let Mu Tianyu touch her?

Do you want to trust her again?

He held the hand on her chin and loosened it slightly.

However, the thin skin on her chin was too delicate, and in just a few minutes, there were already a few bruises.

His eyelids twitched, and he had the urge to kiss her chin.

Use your lips to comfort the bruised place where he pinched her.

Xiao Ning lowered her eyes aggrievedly, feeling a little at a loss under his gaze and not knowing how to explain next.

With nowhere to put her little hands, she instinctively grabbed the sleeves of his shirt gently.

This unconscious movement was like a ball of fire, igniting Bai Yeyuan in an instant.

He had been struggling all night about Xiao Ning and Mu Tianyu holding hands and eating with a pair of chopsticks, but if what Xiao Ning said was true...

Then his worries are groundless and he is asking for trouble, right?

Do you want to believe her?

Before his mind could come to a conclusion, his instinct had already tightened his grip on her waist, pressed her directly towards him, lowered his head deeply and kissed her lips!



The two people let out a deep sigh at the same time.

Bai Yeyuan couldn't stop kissing her.

As the kiss continued to deepen, his breathing became erratic, and his long fingers tore at her top frantically.

Xiao Ning was pressed against the bathroom door by him, unable to move. She could only let him move and keep bumping against the door panel.

Even from time to time, guests would come behind the door and see that the bathroom was closed. They would be very curious and would knock on the door with their fists several times.

And that knocking sound,

He knocked on the door panel on Xiao Ning's back.


Exciting, exciting, dead!

The fear in Xiao Ning's heart was gradually calmed down by Bai Yeyuan's deep kiss.

She was even prepared to withstand his wild storm.

It seemed that he was ready to believe her explanation just now.

If making love on the door can make him completely calm down, then she is willing to endure the humiliation and cooperate with him...

Xiao Ning gently closed her eyes and relaxed her body resignedly...


Bai Yeyuan's movements suddenly stopped.

one second……

Two seconds...

Three seconds...

For half a minute, he remained motionless and did not continue.

However, the aura around him became colder a little bit.

Xiao Ning opened her eyes in confusion.

She found his big hand resting on her pants.

"Uncle, I want..." she said with a hint of shame.

She hoped that Bai Yeyuan would start and finish quickly, so that she might still have time when she goes back at night to study the case of Nannan's disappearance and find other evidence. It would be better if she could find a child who is willing to cooperate in collecting evidence. …

So, she plucked up the courage and "took the initiative to invite."

After all, the last time Bai Yeyuan came back, it happened to coincide with the awarding of the top ten public interest litigation cases. The photo of her dancing with Fu Qingyun made the headlines. She was so anxious that she took the initiative to fall in love with Bai Yeyuan and successfully dispelled his doubts. .

This time, can she succeed in getting Bai Yeyuan not to anger brother Tianyu?

Xiao Ning prayed secretly in her heart.


This time she took the initiative to invite, but there was no response from Bai Yeyuan.

Instead, he was humiliated mercilessly: "Xiao Ning, I didn't expect you to be so mean!"

Bai Yeyuan, who had been silent for a minute, was filled with an extremely cold aura and spoke angrily.

The man's big hands tore her trousers open!

Her trousers are men's trousers! ! !

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