Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2423 His cold methods!

Chapter 2425 His cold methods!

Xiao Ning is really scared!

Such a big cigar, with a faint flame that flickered on and off, was poking towards her.

Is Bai Yeyuan mad?

Do you want to burn her face and ruin her?

She heard that there was a punishment in ancient times called "inking", which meant tattooing characters on the face with ink.

So Bai Yeyuan wanted to use a burning cigar to burn words on her face, or even burn her to death as punishment?

She closed her eyes in fear.

The smoke of the cigar pressed hot towards her face, but at the last second, Bai Yeyuan's hand shook and pressed it against the door panel.

The fire was extinguished.

"I really want to kill you, once and for all!" He gritted his teeth in her ear.

I don't know if I hate her or myself.

Xiao Ning's heart was thrown into the sky and then hit the ground.

A moment of shock, the aftermath of the disaster.

She was crying and a little exhausted: "I'm sorry, little uncle... wuwu, thank you for letting me go..."

She thought that her uncle still missed some family ties after all.

He softened towards her at the last moment and didn't really burn her to death.

"There's no need to tell me such nonsense as you're sorry." Bai Yeyuan's voice was still cold, "If you think that I, Bai Yeyuan, am such a soft-hearted person, you are wrong. I have no intention of letting you go..."

Xiao Ning's heart tightened

What does Bai Yeyuan mean by this?

But soon.

She knew what it meant.

This meaning made her want to bite off her tongue and swallow back those so-called family words just now.

I saw Bai Yeyuan's hand holding the cigar,

Suddenly it moved.

He turned the cigar around.

He pinched the hottest part of the cigarette that had just been extinguished, and turned the part where the cigar touched his lips outward.

Immediately, he directly pressed the cigar against Xiao Ning's... shameful place!

Xiao Ning screamed in horror: "You...what are you going to do?"

Bai Yeyuan spoke lazily and cruelly: "Let you pay for the two crimes of lying and hooking up with wild men."

Xiao Ning: "Oh... please... no... that's a cigar..."

Even though it was an extinguished cigar.

Even though it’s the other side without fireworks.

But, how could he use that kind of thing... to her?

However, the plea was not finished yet.

Xiao Ning groaned in pain, and all her words were stuck.

He really gave away a section of the cigar.


Xiao Ning experienced a lifetime of shame and humiliation.

Forced to make love with a cigar...

After holding back the tears all night, I finally couldn't stop them and rolled down silently!

I do not know how long it has been.

Bai Yeyuan took out the cigar and put it on himself.

I don’t know how long it took.

He moved her from the door panel to the toilet and then to the sink.

When it's over.

Xiao Ning's eyes were dull, and she looked like a doll that couldn't speak or move.

Bai Yeyuan took off his suit and wrapped it around her.

He hugged her and left the bathroom.

Black Bentley parked in front of the hotel.

Because he had forced her legs to be raised high for a long time, her knees could no longer bend.

He laid her down in the back seat and took a lumbar pillow to cushion her.

After settling in, he closed the car door.

Not far away, a man hurriedly ran towards the door of the hotel.

Mu Tianyu!

It turned out that Mu Tianyu had been waiting patiently in the restaurant for almost two hours. The restaurant was about to close just now, so he had to leave.

"Master Bai, where is Ning Ning? I have something to say to her..." Mu Tianyu shouted.

Bai Yeyuan glanced at him coldly: "She doesn't have the strength to answer your call. You will not be allowed to call her again in the future!"

After that, he closed the car door and sped away!

Mu Tianyu stood there in a daze: God, did he hear wrong just now? Why, he felt that when Bai Yeyuan spoke, he felt absolutely possessive of Ning Ning!

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! 8 more to offer. I saw more than 10,000 goblins in the background participating in this support, thank you very much! On the last day, the fairies can show their minds at will! No matter what the ranking is, I will repay your love with explosive updates! 】

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