Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2434 Is it a male wolf or a female wolf?

243 Wolf

Adjutant Lu still couldn't turn around: "But, Miss Qiqi, outsiders' revelations are different from your revelations..."

Gu Qiqi smiled: "What's the difference? No matter who broke the news, as long as this matter can make a big fuss, the bigger the better. It's best to let people all over the country know about it and come to discuss and pay attention to it. My goal will be achieved." Half of it."

Adjutant Lu said with a sad face: "Miss Qiqi, I still don't understand, what good will this do to Sir?"

Gu Qiqi curled her lips slightly: "Well, it's normal not to understand. You just need to wait patiently, and I will let you understand soon."

Adjutant Lu: "..."

Suddenly I felt that my IQ couldn't keep up with girl Qiqi's pace.

The next few days.

Lieutenant Lu saw that things were just as Miss Qiqi expected, and the trouble was getting bigger and bigger.

There was even an "Anti-Wolf Cult" established on the Internet, where they spread the words every day that Gong Jue was a werewolf and a beast, unworthy of leading the country's army, and that he should get out of the army as soon as possible and never come back.

Adjutant Lu was so angry that he wanted to explode on the spot.

But Gu Qiqi was still so calm and didn't make any move.

Not to mention Gong Jue. He doesn't care about those rumors at all. He retreats at home and takes care of the little girl at home. The most important thing he cares about every day is how to rack his brains to get these two naughty children out of the house so that he can quickly occupy his own house. The little woman enjoys the rare intimate time.


After nearly a week of fermentation, this big news has reached an unprecedented height of public discussion!

The cabinet elders had to intervene in public opinion and explain and refute the rumors.

But the more he explained, the more people felt that there was a ghost. Everyone called on Sir Alex to come forward personally and let everyone see if he was a normal human being.

The most active "Anti-Wolf Cult" on the Internet directly filed a complaint and took Gong Jue to court.

The reasons for this prosecution are also varied.

One reason is that Gong Jue is a wolf and cannot communicate with his comrades.

There is one saying that wolves must be locked up in zoos and cannot come out to roam freely.

There is even a saying that not knowing whether Gong Jue is a male wolf or a female wolf is not conducive to the stability of the warrior's psychological quality...

The bizarre reason was laughable, but it successfully attracted the attention of the entire empire.

Even the day before the court session, people queued up all night to get a seat in the gallery!

The presiding judge in this case was under considerable pressure and reported to the cabinet that he hoped to send a powerful official to serve as the jury foreman to jointly hear the case.

After all, the last time Gong Jue's case went to trial, he was beaten to the point of shame by Gu Qiqi, and he was left in disgrace at his grandma's house.

This time, there were the tough Sir Alex and Master Qi on one side, and the excited and fanatical people and the "Anti-Wolf Cult" on the other. He couldn't bear the consequences of offending either side.

Therefore, who the cabinet invites to be the foreman of the jury has become the most concerned issue before the trial.

The night before the trial, Xiao Ning called Gu Qiqi again.

"Qiqi, according to my experience, the opinion of the jury is very important and can even affect the final conclusion of the case. If the jury leader and Gong Jue have different opinions and deliberately lead everyone to believe that the Lord is a werewolf, then the case will be judged. I will definitely lose..." She suggested worriedly, "If you agree, I know a very upright prosecutor in the prosecutor's office. Although he is not a big shot, just a small civil servant, he is very fair and will never do anything wrong. Selfishly, I believe he will treat Sir Alex fairly... Do you want me to ask him to apply to his superiors to join the jury?"

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