Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2442 Is there something wrong with your man’s IQ?

Chapter 2444 Is there something wrong with your man’s IQ?

Gong Jue squeezed her little hand and fiddled with it slowly: "There is no such provision in imperial law. But... there was a precedent in the past. When my father was the commander-in-chief, his marriage to my mother was controversial and the whole country opposed it. So he also He once left the army for his mother and wanted to elope with her. Since they were leaderless, the cabinet passed a resolution at that time to let the vice president command the armed forces on his behalf. However, later the vice president found that the commander-in-chief was not easy, so he took the initiative to resign and replaced him with someone else. Tube."

Gu Qiqi was a little unhappy: "Why does the marriage of uncle and aunt still cause controversy? Whose business does it interfere with? It's really strange that this country deprives others of their positions just because they get married!"

Gong Jue gave her a confused look.

Although Qiqi looks cute when she protects her shortcomings, in fact...

He struggled to spit out a few words: "They were once brother and sister."

The love between brother and sister seriously challenges the laws of the world and is definitely not tolerated by the world. I am afraid that no matter which country you go to, you will be regarded as a pervert.

Gu Qiqi was shocked!

I never expected that Gong Jue's parents would have such a legendary experience. They didn't love the country and the beauty, but they even eloped.

They clearly looked like the most ordinary old couple. They could quarrel, be arrogant, care about their children and grandchildren, and express their most sincere care with the most verbose complaints... She never imagined that they were like this when they were young. Apostate.

No, no, no, the point is, brother and sister cannot get married.

If Gong Jue was the child of a brother and sister, would there be any problem with his IQ?

Gu Qiqi glanced at Gong Jue suspiciously.

Of course Gong Jue understood what she meant by this look, and he grabbed her little hand angrily and pulled her into his arms: "Stupid woman, what are you thinking about? Does your man seem like a defective person?"

Gu Qiqi: "But... they are brother and sister!"

Gong Jue: "I haven't finished yet. They were once brothers and sisters, but later they found out they were no longer. There is no blood relationship at all. Don't think too much about it."

Gu Qiqi finally felt relieved.

But then he thought of the rumors on the Internet, and his eyes became more solemn: "These rumors are not groundless. I suspect that they are building momentum for the vice president to come out.


Gong Jue didn't care: "I don't even like a bad commander, so whoever wants to rob him will take it!"

The corners of Gu Qiqi's lips twitched slightly and she patted the man's cheek: "Be serious! If someone else covets the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, they are just greedy for power. But the vice president is different. If he has both political power and military power in his hands, Have you ever thought about what to do with your elder brother Gong Sheng? Then Gong Sheng, the president, is completely ignored by him!"

A vice president holds more power than the president, so the next development step can be figured out without even using his brain.

Unless the vice president has a pure mind and has no evil thoughts at all.

But the human heart is the last thing that can stand the test!

Who can guarantee that the Vice President has no evil thoughts?

Gong Jue didn't think so far ahead. It wasn't that he hadn't thought of it, but that his thoughts were really focused on Gu Qiqi now.

He didn't even bother to think about his own future, let alone the future of Palace Saint.

However, when Gu Qiqi reminded him, his eyes became sharper: "Gong Sheng is not a soft persimmon, and he is not so easy to be manipulated. If the Vice President has evil intentions, haha, Gong Sheng will not It's a charity for him to become disabled!"

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