Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2461 More awesome evidence! Scared to piss!

The 24th evidence! Scared to piss!

The reason why the Vice President was so determined was because he knew clearly that except for that time in the hotel, he and Gu Xuexue did all that stuff in his Vice President's residence.

That was his territory, and Gu Xuexue had absolutely no chance to record a second video.

Damn it, he should have let this damn woman never get a chance in the first place.

Gu Qiqi narrowed her eyes: "Compare with me? Are you worthy?"

After saying that, he turned to Gu Xuexue calmly: "What if someone pulled up his pants and refused to admit it? Gu Xuexue, if you don't have enough evidence, I'm afraid you won't be able to accuse me, and you will end up seducing upright men, discrediting upright men, and being a shameless mistress." An upright man has tricked you into falsely accusing him of a new crime. Well, the punishment for the new crime is not very serious. It’s just ten or eight years more than your original sentence!”

Gu Xuexue's pupils shrank suddenly!

don't want!

She lifted her hair, revealing a dirty and angry face, with a pair of blazing eyes that almost rushed over to fight the Vice President.

She will fight anyone who wants to stop her deal to commute her sentence!

She moved her shackled hands and angrily snatched her mobile phone from the bailiff: "Who said I have no evidence! I also have recordings of some so-called upright men here. Listen to it, how good he is. Upright!"

Soon, the recording was played in court——

"Xuexue, I just like your coquettishness, your swagger, and your energy!"

"Xuexue, from now on, I will come back from get off work an hour early every day to play with you. You have to lie down and wait for grandpa!"

"What? Are you talking about that sick woman in my family? Haha, she is old, ugly and sick. I don't even want to look at her for a second time! Our Xuexue is still young and beautiful... The important thing is that we have good skills hahahaha... and Others don’t have anything…”

"Xuexue, if you stay with me for two more years, I will soon kill that sick woman and make you the president's wife!"

Sentences and sounds came from the mobile phone recording software.

That familiar kind voice turned into a sickening sarcasm at this moment.

Everyone looked at the Vice President with almost disbelief.

This man, a minute ago, was still so steadfast that he only loved his wife in his life.

He said that the night with Gu Xuexue was drugged, which was a mistake, and he had already admitted his mistake and corrected it.

He also said that he didn't like those perverted tools and said that Gu Xuexue was disgusting!


A minute later, the recording of the phone call between him and Gu Xuexue overturned everything.

He called his wife old and ugly.

He took the initiative to do bad things with Gu Xuexue.

He said he liked to do perverted things with Gu Xuexue.

He was even planning to kill his wife and support Gu Xuexue to become the wife of the Vice President!

This man's face changes so quickly.

Gu Qiqi lost no time and spoke leisurely: "Have you all seen this man's ability to go back on his word and tell lies? A man who is unfaithful to his family, has no integrity, and commits bigamy by living with a woman outside, do you think he can do it? Is he suitable to be the foreman of the jury? Do you think his judgment on Gong Jue can be fair and impartial? Anyway, I don’t believe every word this bitch says!"

Everyone lowered their eyes and fell silent.

Although he didn't speak, the balance in his heart had quietly tilted towards Gu Qiqi.

The vice president's nose flapped and he jumped out to retort excitedly: "You're talking nonsense! This is a fake recording! Gu Xuexue, were instructed by Gu Qiqi to deliberately slander me! You are the ones guilty!"

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