Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2463: Witch, what have you done to me? !

Chapter 24 What did I do? !

Gu Qiqi happened to stop here.

It made everyone feel as if their hearts were scratched by a kitten's paws, and they were extremely uncomfortable.

Hey, hey, hey, why did Sir Alex become like this?

Do normal people also experience such alienation?

It sounds a bit scary, but also a bit exciting. It makes people want to gossip about it, right?

Even the palace lord looked at her with interest - he actually didn't have any hope for the outcome of today's trial, and he didn't actually know what her chances of winning were.

But the silly woman's mischievous smile seemed like she had a winning chance.

His woman is indeed a surprise in every way.

Gu Qiqi paused for several seconds, then slowly continued: "Gong Jue's so-called wolf transformation is just a symptom of poisoning."

Her expression gradually became a little tragic: "The prince is fighting everywhere, and enemy countries have long regarded him as a thorn in their side. Do you remember the Teutonic generals from country S? They sent the most powerful military doctors in the country to sneak into our country, and in our imperial army An undercover agent spent the Chinese New Year, secretly poisoning Gong Jue’s food!”

"You're talking nonsense! The army is not a decoration, how could it be possible to poison without being discovered?" The vice president couldn't bear it and refuted it.

Gu Qiqi glared at him contemptuously: "If you don't know medical skills, don't say such stupid things. There are thousands of poisons in the world, and the only ones that can be found are obviously fatal poisons. This kind of poison is not fatal. It works slowly, and its only characteristic is that it causes people to slowly turn into wolves. Gong Jue was poisoned by the enemy like this! Unfortunately, he was poisoned, but he still shouldered the mission of fighting against Country S. In the cold Beiling forced back the enemy's million-strong army, and captured the Teutons alive and returned home!"

The more Gu Qiqi spoke, the more profound and sad she became.

Everyone in the jury present could not help but secretly wipe away tears.

So touching!

Miss Qiqi didn't say anything, but they had almost forgotten that the millions of troops of Country S were almost approaching the imperial capital. If Gong Jue hadn't stepped forward, how could they have lived a happy and peaceful life now?

What's more, Sir Alex is still fighting despite being sick!

Or fight when everyone in the country distrusts him and misunderstands him!

It’s so tragic!

Why are heroes always not understood?

Will it always lead to jealousy and misunderstanding?

For a moment, Gu Qiqi successfully stirred up the atmosphere at the scene!

Only the corners of Gong Jue's lips twitched several times: Stupid woman, if I wasn't Gong Jue, I would have almost been deceived by you!

How can I be so great and fight even though I'm sick?

Isn't it just a few extra wolf nails? It's not that serious!

However, seeing that everyone gradually dropped their hostility towards him because of Gu Qiqi's statement, he couldn't help but admire Gu Qiqi's excuse of "poisoning". She was really invincible in the universe!

However, this is not the real reason after all, and it will be revealed sooner or later.

If someone asks what kind of poison this is, how can they explain it?

Just as he was thinking about it, the unwilling Vice President actually raised a question with a very sarcastic tone: "Haha, it sounds so nice, but I have never heard of such a poison in the world? Shouldn't the whole world be in trouble? Can Jue be the only one to be infected with this kind of poison?! If Gong Jue is as awesome as you say, victorious in every battle, he can't even defend against a small poison?"

Gu Qiqi did not answer, but suddenly asked a rhetorical question that seemed to have nothing to do with the answer: "Do you dare to stretch out your hand and show it to everyone?"

"Why don't I dare? I don't have wolf nails! I-!"

As the Vice President spoke, in front of the jury and hundreds of millions of viewers, he stretched out his withered old hands and shook them in front of the camera.

However, the scene before him scared him silly first!

"I...this is not my hand...Oh, oh, oh, what a ghost! Gu Qiqi, you are the devil! My hand! What did you turn my hand into!"

[Master Yun: Goodnight kiss! Tomorrow night I will write about Gu Xuexue’s final outcome, don’t worry, I won’t let her go. Goblins remember to count down the time to see if they guessed correctly. 】

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