Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2476 The eyes of two people collided in mid-air

Chapter 2478 The two people’s eyes collided in mid-air

However, the next second, Xiao Ning heard again that the fat old man of the Vice President actually claimed to be injured and wanted extrajudicial medical treatment!

What are you talking about? This is clearly stipulated by imperial law!

Damn it, this damn extrajudicial medical treatment system in the empire, although it seems humanitarian, actually gives criminals a lot of opportunities to take advantage of it.

Not too many prisoners escape from prison every year in the name of extrajudicial medical treatment and live freely outside the prison!

So much so that the empire has its own kind of hospital, which is decorated like a five-star hotel and even has special services.

As long as criminals have money, don't live too comfortably!

A sinister man like the Vice President has already made a lot of money by selling children. If he can seek medical treatment outside the law, it will be equivalent to not being punished at all. It is too unpleasant.

No wonder Qiqi's face suddenly turned ugly.

Xiao Ning's mind flashed through a relatively unconventional law that she had read recently when she was reviewing for the judicial happened to be the relevant judicial interpretation of the extrajudicial medical treatment system.

There are many clauses in it that are not easy for others to notice...

Without hesitation, she pushed open the court door, rushed in, and said rudely: "He cannot seek medical treatment outside the law! The crime this man committed is far from being as simple as bigamy. This is a heinous criminal." !”

In the court, everyone turned their heads in surprise and stared at Xiao Ning.

"What? Isn't the vice president just a man of bad personal ethics, a womanizer, and a cheater on his wife?"

"What more serious crime could there be?"

Everyone was ignited with great interest.

The vice president's face was livid, and he was holding his arms while lying on the stretcher. He pointed at Xiao Ning fiercely: "What evidence do you have? You crazy woman, don't you know that you will be detained for trespassing in the court? What do you mean by these idle people? Are you qualified to make irresponsible remarks here and affect the trial? Judge, why don’t you throw her out yet!”

Although the Vice President was very sure that except for Gu Xuexue, a bitch who secretly recorded his video and caused an accident within an accident, no one else would be able to catch him.

But just in case,

He still had to take action first and drive out this crazy woman who was not good for him.

At least, he has to wait until the judge agrees to his extrajudicial medical treatment!

However, before the judge could send Xiao Ning away, Gu Qiqi spoke first: "This is my witness, your honor, this is not just a bunch of people waiting around. I said I would add evidence, and Gu Xuexue is just one of them. What is in front of everyone at this moment is my second supplementary witness, named Xiao Ning, who is an outstanding key employee of the law firm and a professional who just won the first prize of the Top Ten Public Interest Litigation Awards not long ago."

She looked at Xiao Ning trustingly. Their eyes exchanged in the air for only a few seconds before they both understood each other's meaning.

Moreover, she deliberately emphasized the word "professional" and naturally refuted the Vice President's curse words that called Xiao Ning a "crazy woman".

Everyone nodded frequently after hearing this, hmm, top ten cases? I’ve heard of it, it’s awesome! The person who can win that kind of legal award should be a powerful female lawyer, not bad.

The judge also followed the public opinion and nodded in agreement: "Okay, let's ask Ms. Xiao Ning to talk about your testimony. However, the werewolf case has been pronounced and Gong Jue is innocent. There should be no need for new evidence. I don't know what your testimony is. What supplementary aspect is the testimony about? You just said that the vice president has a more serious crime, so what's going on?"

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