Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2481 I didn’t see it, but you like being beaten on the street...

Chapter 2483 I didn’t see it, you like being beaten on the street...

It was a wolf-like look, a look that would tear the other person apart crazily in the next second.

But it was Brother Tianyu. She really couldn't believe how Bai Yeyuan would take revenge on Brother Tianyu.

She would rather vent all his anger and dissatisfaction on her.

Don't let the innocent brother Tianyu get hurt.

Xiao Ning looked at Bai Yeyuan with tearful eyes. When he died, she couldn't tell how she felt. She seemed to have lost her soul. Except for working on cases, her life was all gloomy.

Even in her darkest and most helpless moments, she thought for a moment, what would have happened if her uncle had not died?

Will they ever get back to a more normal relationship?

She had fantasized about countless possibilities, but she never imagined that when he came back, he would bring her not the joy of coming back from the dead, but endless fear.

She was really afraid that Bai Yeyuan would take action against Mu Tianyu.

Seeing Xiao Ning begging for Mu Tianyu in such a low voice, Bai Yeyuan felt a trace of mania in his heart for no reason.

With a little force of his fingers, he squeezed the woman's delicate chin even more tightly, and asked in a nonchalant manner: "Didn't he take the initiative to seduce you?"

Xiao Ning endured the pain and nodded fiercely: "No! It's really not! Uncle, please believe me for once, okay? Please!"

It was strange to say that the girl's pitiful appearance had already relaxed his expression a little, but as soon as he heard that she was pleading for another man, he suddenly felt very bad.

His face darkened and his tone was ruthless: "If he didn't seduce you, then you took the initiative to seduce him? Xiao Ning, are you cheap? You've been fucked by me so many times, and you still have the nerve to hold this dirty picture Use your body to seduce other men? He doesn't think you are dirty? Haha, Mu Tianyu is really not picky about food! Or, you didn't tell him that you were fucked by me a long time ago? Do you want me to tell you for you? "

Xiao Ning's face turned pale and tears threatened to burst out of her eyes.

She knew that he would always like to humiliate her like this.

Use the worst words and the coldest attitude to humiliate her.

Because he knows too well,

She couldn't resist, not physically, nor could she resist due to blood ties.

Almost all her fighting skills were taught to her by him.

And her mother is still living under the protection of the Bai family and cannot do without his care.

She held back her tears and said hoarsely: "It's not like that. It's really not what you think. What should I say so that you will believe me?"

Bai Yeyuan raised his eyebrows, with unclear meaning: "Go home. Show me how you seduce men!"

Xiao Ning trembled.

This is the entrance to the court, on the street.

No matter what, he, Bai Yeyuan, was a person of high status and dignity, and it was impossible for him to touch her.

But that won't be the case once you get home.

She could hardly imagine what he would do to her this time.

Seeing that she remained silent, Bai Yeyuan was a little impatient: "Didn't you see, you prefer to be on the street?"

Xiao Ning bit her lip: "I..."

Just as he was thinking about how to avoid Bai Yeyuan's threats, he glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw Fu Qingyun walking out of the court.

After the court hearing ended, Qiqi and Gong Jue were the first to leave, because the Duke said that their family had a task of creating a human being and could not delay.

Then the jury and the audience left.

Fu Qingyun and his assistant Xiao Huang didn't know what they were talking about.

At this moment he was the last person to come out of the court.

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