Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2487: There is blood all over the floor, will he die?

Chapter 248 Will he die?

Xiao Ning was so anxious when she saw the message. She pushed herself up and tried to sit up. She wanted to go to the floor-to-ceiling glass window to see if Brother Tianyu was still down there.

But just got up.

A strong force from her waist suddenly pulled her little body back!

" hurts!"

Xiao Ning was pinched by the man's belt and her little body lay back on the sofa again.

No, not the sofa.

What she had been lying on turned out to be a man's arms.

The crystal lamp in the office had long been turned off. At this moment, only the fine starlight spilled in from the floor-to-ceiling windows and fell on the man's face, which was particularly cold.

Xiao Ning didn't expect that Bai Yeyuan would hold her to sleep, and would actually be willing to be her cushion. She apologized: "I'm sorry, uncle, I didn't know you..."

Did you know he still has this hobby?

Uh... I can't say this.

She temporarily changed her words: "Uncle, why aren't you asleep yet?"

Bai Yeyuan's face, half in the darkness and half in the starlight, looked obscure and difficult to understand: "I'm not sleepy."

Xiao Ning was actually just asking casually, so she didn't care what his answer was.

What she was more worried about now was whether Brother Tianyu was still waiting for her downstairs.

She knew that brother Tianyu seemed gentle, but in fact he was very stubborn and stubborn. If he could not find her, he would not give up easily.

The night is so cold, what should I do if Brother Tianyu catches a cold and gets sick?

Her eyebrows gradually furrowed, and she suddenly thought of something: "Uncle, have you ever heard from the secretary that Brother Tianyu came to see me?"

Bai Yeyuan replied coolly, cherishing each word like gold: "Yes."

Xiao Ning's heart froze!

"Then...then you kicked him out? Did you say anything else to him? You told him everything about us,

It irritates him, right? "

"Ha." Bai Yeyuan sneered with unknown meaning and asked instead, "So what? I, Bai Yeyuan, can do whatever I want!"

Xiao Ning was completely anxious. She tried her best to break away from Bai Yeyuan and threw herself in front of the floor-to-ceiling window.

There, she could look down from a high position and see the long steps under the Bai's headquarters building.

Mu Tianyu was no longer there.


But there was a group of security guards, each carrying buckets and mops, constantly splashing water on the steps and the street in front of the door, washing them away.

Faintly, you can still see the dark traces on the asphalt road illuminated by the street lights.

Is it blood?

Xiao Ning's head exploded with a buzz.

A complete scene flashed into her mind uninvited.

Brother Tianyu came to find his uncle, but his uncle ordered someone to beat him up, and then... then there was blood all over the floor. Will he die?

Xiao Ning shook her hands and dialed Mu Tianyu's mobile phone number desperately.

However, the other party never answered.

Xiao Ning turned around suddenly, bit her lip and asked loudly: "Uncle, did you really do something cruel to Brother Tianyu? Do you... want him to die?"

Bai Yeyuan's face darkened: "You care about him very much."

It's a declarative sentence, not a question.

That's right.

Xiao Ning is now very concerned and worried about Mu Tianyu, almost going crazy with worry.

There was so much blood and so many security guards needed to be dispatched to wash it away with buckets. How brutal a beating would that be?

She really hated herself for falling asleep just now.

How could she fall asleep so carelessly in the big devil's office?

She choked, raised her chin, and asked again seriously: "Uncle, do you really want to kill brother Tianyu?"

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