Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2490: Knocked her out several times

24th time I went there several times

"Bai Yeyuan, are you a man? You are so weak..."

Xiao Ning said softly.

The man behind him paused slightly when he heard this.

Then he started to act even more brutally!

He didn't say a word, but used worse actions to tell her whether he was a man or not and how strong he was.

Xiao Ning felt like she was about to be torn apart.

It hurt, but there was a wry smile of success in his eyes.

Break it, break it quickly, this glass curtain wall.

She once thought about jumping off a building, but she knew that her own death would be a happy one, leaving her mother alive in this world but she would suffer endless grief, and she might even face Bai Yeyuan's cruel revenge.

What if Bai Yeyuan expels his mother from the Bai family? My mother has devoted her whole life to her family. She is already old and has no skills. She may not even have the ability to survive.

But it's different now.

If she and Bai Yeyuan both fell to their deaths, then no one would take revenge on her mother, Bai Shaoyao.

Mom will definitely be sad, but she can live well.

This was the only nearly perfect ending she could think of.

With this thought in her heart, Xiao Ning bit her lip and endured the man behind her.


God does not fulfill people's wishes.

The building of Bai's headquarters is too solid.

It uses top-grade explosion-proof glass.

Bai Yeyuan worked so hard until dawn, but the glass was not broken.

Xiao Ning, on the other hand, felt that in the end, her legs no longer belonged to her, and she twitched and fainted several times.

But Bai Yeyuan always had a way to wake her up rudely.

He said nothing during the whole process, and his expression was terrifyingly cold and angry.

Xiao Ning scoffed - he could do whatever he wanted to her, why should he be angry? Isn't it her who should be angry and angry?

She didn't have any excessive expectations, she just wanted to die.


Why is it so hard to even die?

She doesn't have the ability to fight against Bai Yeyuan, can't she even die?

In despair, Xiao Ning suddenly felt a heat in her stomach.

Then she thought she heard the sound of water flowing down.

No, not water.

It's seems to be blood...

There seemed to be something in her body that was leaving her...

Are you going to die?

Her consciousness gradually blurred, her body went limp, and she completely lost consciousness.


I don't know how long I have been asleep.

When Xiao Ning woke up again, the surroundings were already snow-white.

Her eyes couldn't stand the sudden stimulation of white light, so she closed them suddenly, not daring to open them.

Why is it so white?

Was she killed by Bai Yeyuan, finally freed and in heaven?

There were waves of complicated feelings in my heart.

She couldn't explain it clearly, but she knew clearly that there was a feeling of getting her wish fulfilled.


One second later.

The faint sound of conversation came from the corridor outside the door, instantly breaking her innocent fantasy——

"How long will she stay in coma? Are you doctors all trash?" came the man's cool voice.

Bai Yeyuan.

This is Bai Yeyuan's voice.

Xiao Ning couldn't help but twitch her eyelashes.

This is definitely not paradise.

There shouldn't be Bai Yeyuan in heaven.

She wanted to close her ears and not listen to the man's voice, but her hands didn't have any strength at all, and she couldn't even do such a simple action as raising her hands to cover her ears.

What's wrong with her?

What's wrong with your body?

The heated conversation continued in my ears, the sound was as loud as a quarrel——

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