Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2502: Lying on the bed as a toy for the rest of my life

Chapter 2504: Being paralyzed on the bed and used as a toy for the rest of my life

This time it was Xiao Ning's turn to be silent.

Be free?

Of course!

However, freedom comes at a price.

In the past few days, she had been working in a law firm, and she was really free and satisfied, but at what cost?

The price was that his uncle found out and became furious. Then Brother Tianyu was severely injured and his blood flowed like a river.

And she was tortured by him so badly...

"Ning Ning, did you hear what I said? Are you... willing to marry me soon, huh? With my surname and your name, from now on you will be a member of our Mu family, and no one else has any rights. I will not interfere with what you do or where you go, but I promise to give you absolute freedom..." Mu Tianyu vowed to persuade her.

Xiao Ning's nose felt sour.

How she wished it was her uncle who said this.


Bai Yeyuan will never give her that thing called "freedom".

What he likes is absolute control.

Whether in life or in bed, this powerful man likes to take over everything she has.

With a hint of nasal sound, she answered Mu Tianyu: "Brother Tianyu, I..."

Mu Tianyu kept praying in his heart, praying for Xiao Ning to say the three words "I do".

Then he will try his best to fight for Bai Yeyuan and take over Little Lemon's second half of his life.

If Bai Yeyuan disagrees...then he will go to the elders of the Xiao family and the Bai family. Bai Yeyuan can't cover the sky with one hand, right?

He and Ning Ning are engaged!

A legal engagement!

Mu Tianyu cheered himself up in his heart.

However, Xiao Ning didn't wait for Xiao Ning's answer.

The call suddenly went dead.

Xiao Ning hung up the phone before she could say anything.

Mu Tianyu held the phone and stared at the screen blankly, wondering what he was feeling.

Ning Ning...are you avoiding this question and its answer?

Could it be that... Ning Ning fell in love with him and didn't like him anymore?

When Mu Tianyu was racking his brains to guess.

Little did they know that there was an emergency on Xiao Ning's side!

Xiao Ning was talking on the phone when she heard the door lock "click" and it opened!


The big devil is back.

When she was nervous, her hands couldn't stop shaking. Of course, she quickly cut off the call, threw it on the sofa, and then quickly climbed into bed.

But she forgot that she was still sick, still weak, and her legs were still weak!

This was a good climb. He didn't climb up the bed. He lost his center of gravity and fell directly to the ground.

pain! pain! pain!

Bai Yeyuan walked in with long legs. The first thing he saw was Xiao Ning covering her buttocks and lying on the ground with her mouth open.

Without saying a word, he walked up to her, picked her up and placed her on the hospital bed.

His hand accidentally touched her tailbone, and she immediately gasped.

Bai Yeyuan frowned and stretched out his hand.

Xiao Ning was shocked and nervously covered her buttocks to prevent him from touching her: "No..."

Bai Yeyuan frowned and slapped her hand away: "Don't be willful! If you break your tailbone, you will be paralyzed on the bed and used as a toy for the rest of your life!"

don't want!

Xiao Ning shivered.

Compared with being paralyzed for the rest of his life and having to lie on the bed and let men bully him, it seemed less unbearable to let Bai Yeyuan touch the awkward parts now.

Xiao Ning let go of her hand depressedly.

Be prepared to be eaten.

Bai Yeyuan did what he said, he simply checked her tailbone.

Sure enough, there was a slight dislocation from the fall just now.

He glanced at Xiao Ning.

This little thing has been afraid of taking hard medicine since he was a child, and he is even more afraid of pain.

He remembered that when he fucked her for the first time, she cried heartbrokenly, as if it was the end of the world.

He knew it hurt to break that body, but he didn't expect it to hurt like that.

Now that he was going to straighten her tailbone, would she scream again just like the first time?

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