Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2504 Discovered!

novel network

——Bai Yeyuan, was he really injured?

——Where is the injury?

——Is the injury serious?

——Are there any scars?

Xiao Ning couldn't help but have a series of questions in her mind.

Can't stop it.

By the time she realized it, her little paws had already reached out to Bai Yeyuan's shirt involuntarily.

If you retract your hand at this time, you will be hiding something.

She simply bit the bullet and continued to explore the cuffs of his shirt.

At the same time, she comforted herself secretly: She definitely didn't care about him, she just wanted to confirm whether he had exaggerated and lied just now.

Well, absolutely!

Bai Yeyuan stared at her deeply, not missing the slightest change in her expression, as if he could see into her heart.

This little thing actually... cares about him?

He narrowed his eyes.

Is this concern or temptation?

He stretched out his long arms and let her unbutton the cuffs of his shirt.

Xiao Ning's body temperature was slightly warm, and her fingertips brushed across his wrist, causing a tingling sensation and a small, strong electric current.

Bai Yeyuan's Adam's apple rolled again.

Suddenly I felt very thirsty.

Even in his blood vessels, the flow rate of blood seemed to suddenly speed up several times, causing his blood to surge.

Just when Xiao Ning was about to roll up his sleeves, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the deep scars on his skin showing...


He withdrew his hand forcefully.

Putting down the sleeves of his shirt, he fastened the buttons smoothly and gracefully, and said to Xiao Ning in a cool tone: "My body is not something you can just look at. Don't forget your identity!"

Xiao Ning's little hand stopped in mid-air awkwardly.

Her identity?

He was reminding her that as a toy, she had crossed the line, right?

Haha, she is really a bitch, why should she care if he is injured?

Why should you care about this man who is hot and cold, and who always falls out with you?

Does it matter to her whether he was injured or not?

Besides, even if he was injured, it was only a minor injury. On the contrary, Brother Tianyu doesn't know how seriously injured he is now.

If she wants to care, she shouldn't waste it on this cold guy.

Xiao Ning finally retracted her hand in silence.

The two were speechless for a moment.

The atmosphere that was slightly warm just now suddenly dropped to freezing point again.

Bai Yeyuan did not continue to bully her, but tucked her in, got out of bed, and continued to go to the sofa to read the account books and documents.

His mobile phone was lying on the sofa, but he didn't look at it again.

Xiao Ning secretly glanced at it several times, and she felt relieved when she saw that the light on the phone screen had long since disappeared and the screen saver mode was restored.

She leaned on the bed, listening to Bai Yeyuan's pen and signing gracefully on her fingertips. The rustling sound was pleasant.

Every tiny rustling sound can almost describe the direction of his strokes - his writing is indeed very beautiful.

Listening to that voice, Xiao Ning felt inexplicably relieved and fell asleep...

Bai Yeyuan suddenly stopped writing.

His eyes fell on the mobile phone next to him.

He calmly picked up the phone.

He took a deep look at Xiao Ning, and then opened the screen with his long, jade-like middle finger.

After entering the password, the first interface that popped up was the call history, not the interface for checking the weather in Italy when he left.

Bai Yeyuan's face gradually darkened.

When he clearly saw the last phone number in the call history a few minutes ago, the anger in his heart suddenly rushed up.

That's an unknown phone number.

He has always had a very strong memory, a photographic memory.

He would never forget the phone number he just called.

What's more, the call time of that phone number was a few minutes ago.

At that time, he was still outside the door and asked his secretary to correct a loophole in the contract.

This call was not made by him.

His eyes fell on Xiao Ning again.

If it wasn't him, it would be her.

The little guy pretended to care about him just now. Could it be that he was trying to hide the fact that he stole his cell phone? !

Who was she calling? !

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