Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2506: That man is domineering, arrogant, and strong

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Let's put it this way, the scene at that time was like Heise seeking revenge.

But he clearly didn't provoke those motorcycle gangs, but he was chopped into a bloody man by those bastards for no reason, and his arms, legs and feet were almost removed.

There are such an unreasonable bunch of idle bastards in the world!

Just when Mu Tianyu felt that he had been unlucky for eight lifetimes, he bumped into those brutal speedsters.

But suddenly he discovered that Bai's security guards were more ferocious.

When those security guards took action, they directly overturned the troublesome motorcycle gang to the ground one by one, held down their heads, and slammed them on the marble steps: "You little bastards, don't learn your lesson, and come out to form gangs." What kind of black society did Pai learn? Go back and feed yourself for a few years before coming out! Today I will teach you a lesson and let you know the consequences of making trouble in front of the Bai family!"

Those motorcycle gangsters were pinned down on the steps by Bai's security guards and beaten until they lost their teeth. Blood flowed all over the floor.

In the end, bucket after bucket of water was needed to rinse it, and then it was barely able to be rinsed clean.

Even after the police arrived, they didn't say anything.

He only avoids the seriousness and announces that each of these Speeder Party members has a shady criminal background, stealing, eating and robbing...each one must be sent to a detention center to receive a good education through labor...

The Bai family is really rampant and has no regard for any forces. Even the police officers will speak for them.

It was also that night that Mu Tianyu saw a very small tip of the iceberg in Bai Yeyuan's hidden strength.

Just a few security guards from the Bai Group can be so ferocious.

So how powerful and terrifying are Bai Yeyuan's core forces, the legendary Bai family's secret guards, and Bai Yeyuan's power layout abroad?

So he knew very well that Bai Yeyuan was definitely not just threatening him casually on the phone.

If Bai Yeyuan wanted to take action, he might not survive tomorrow.

Legal engagement?

Haha, in the eyes of a man like Bai Yeyuan, the law is nothing.

Bai Yeyuan doesn't care at all!

On the phone, Mu Tianyu was silent for several seconds, thinking hard in his mind about what posture and appropriate words to use in response to Bai Yeyuan's threat.

However, he hadn't thought about it yet.

Bai Yeyuan has hung up the phone.

That man didn't even care about his response!

That man was so arrogant that he just unilaterally announced sanctions and deterrence against him!

Too domineering!

So powerful!

Mu Tianyu's breath was stagnant, and he felt like his throat was being strangled tightly, but he couldn't let go of this invisible hand.

Just give up on the little lemon?


He doesn't want to.

Little Lemon is his fiancée, the future wife he has identified since he was very young.

They will get married and have children for the rest of their lives.

Why should he be destroyed by this man Bai Yeyuan.

If he gave up Little Lemon, would he still be considered a man? If he can't even protect his fiancée, what use does Mu Tianyu have?

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

"Mr. Mu, it's time for you to go for a CT examination to rule out brain damage..." The nurse politely opened the door and reminded him, "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Mu Tianyu came to his senses: "No need, I can go by myself."

He took the crutches and stood up from the hospital bed.

He didn't tell any family or friends about his injury, for fear that they would worry. Now he lives in the best hospital affiliated to the Military Medical University in the imperial capital. He lives in a general ward and doesn't even hire a nurse. Everything is done to keep a low profile.

Fortunately, although his injuries were serious, they were mostly superficial injuries and no internal organs were injured. He only had a slightly broken ankle that needed to be nursed back, so walking was a little more strenuous.

He held himself up and walked along the corridor towards the CT room step by step...

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