Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2513 Mu Tianyu’s choice

Bai Yeyuan's tone was very calm, and could even be called quite indifferent.

He didn't have an angry look on his face, nor did he hit anyone ferociously. He was very elegant, looking like he was easy to talk to and easy to discuss. But for some reason, Xiao Ning felt a chill to his bones.

Bai Yeyuan's unangry look was a hundred times scarier than when he was angry.

Just like how he could actually say such bad and humiliating words in such a calm and high-sounding way, there is probably no other man in the world who can do it.

Xiao Ning was imprisoned in his arms, her face was pale and her whole body was trembling.

She had been bullied by him for four full years, and she had been enduring it because she didn't want him to make it public, especially because she didn't want Bai Shaoyao to know about it and ruin the Xiao family.

In order to keep this shameful secret, she even endured his unlimited demands countless times.

She just thought that one day he would get tired of her and all this would be over.

And she can be freed and start over.

It seems that she was always too naive!

Bai Yeyuan didn't take her fears and worries to heart at all; he was even more dismissive of the secrets she desperately protected.

He just said it casually in front of Mu Tianyu.

And he talked about her so vilely.

At this moment, Xiao Ning felt as if her entire body had been stripped naked. She was being displayed in front of a large audience, and was not only watched naked by Brother Tianyu, but also by the entire hospital.

Really... too bad.

Her tears fell silently, like large strings of pearls, wetting the junction between Bai Yeyuan and her chest.

There is a place in my heart that breaks into pieces and cannot be picked up again.

Mu Tianyu was completely stunned at this moment.

As if suddenly suffering from tinnitus, Bai Yeyuan's cruel voice kept playing back in his ears——

"She has been penetrated by me, and you still want it?"

"Don't you think the worn-out shoes hurt your feet?"

"If you have the guts to say it loudly here, I, Mu Tianyu, just like to marry toys that other men have had sex with... I can take her away now."

Every sentence, every word, was like the sharpest knife stabbing Mu Tianyu's chest, causing blood to spurt out in an instant.

These words made him worse than dead than physically maiming him!

It turned out that the girl he loved like a treasure, the girl he had always liked since childhood, the girl who was supposed to be his wife, had already been divorced by another man.

It turns out that his innocent and cute little lemon has long been a plaything in other men's beds.

Moreover, it is Bai Yeyuan’s plaything!

How does he accept this?

The truth was so cruel that he couldn't react at all.

However, Bai Yeyuan still wanted to force him in his ear: "Mu Tianyu, I will give you three seconds to think about it. If you don't mind her sleeping with me, then you can take her away."

After saying that, he leaned over slightly and said to Xiao Ning, who was shaking in his arms: "Open your eyes and watch carefully, what will your brother Tianyu choose?"

He curled his lips coldly and started counting down.




Three seconds are over.

Mu Tianyu was still stunned, unable to digest the fact that Xiao Ning and Bai Yeyuan had slept together.

He gave no answer.

Xiao Ning's eyes were filled with tears and she couldn't stop crying.

Bai Yeyuan raised his lips with satisfaction and picked up Xiao Ning by the waist: "Did you hear that? Your brother Tianyu doesn't seem to love you as much as he claimed. It seems that he can't elope with you. Brain. It’s a good thing, you have to have it…”

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