Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2518 The consequences of doting on a woman too much

Bai Yeyuan entered the bathroom, turned on the cold water faucet, and washed it from head to toe while slowly unbuttoning his suit one by one.

The whole person is filled with the aura of abstinent and evil man!

In fact, he quit working with Xiao Ning for less than five minutes.

Her unresponsive look made him feel unspeakably depressed and uncomfortable.

It's as if this is not torturing her, but torturing himself!

I wanted to smoke a cigar to calm down the anger, but who knows, as soon as I picked up the cigar and put it in my mouth, I remembered how he used the cigar to fuck her in the bathroom not long ago.

What I did that time was so much fun and hearty.

Almost two or three hours, right?

She cried until her voice became hoarse.

It made his heart throb uncontrollably.

But what about now?

Now she dared to show off her temper with him to such an extent that she could regard him as nothing!

Maybe Jonson is right, if you pamper a woman too much, the woman will turn her nose up and not take the man seriously.

He just dotes on her too much and indulges her too much!

From now on, he will keep her cool and see if she can think clearly and come back to beg him!


It didn't take long for him to have this idea. As soon as he took a cold shower, he couldn't hold it any longer and personally called the kitchen of the Bai family mansion:

"Immediately cook a few dishes that Ning Ning likes to eat, and go get them later. What? You don't even know what Ning Ning likes to eat? Are you raised by pigs? Get me a notebook and write it down! - Almond Nei Fat tofu, black truffle fried rice, Arctic clam soup, osmanthus thousand-feuille cake, coconut milk with double skin milk..."

Bai Yeyuan took the trouble to repeat one dish after another.

While scolding the chefs profusely, he repeatedly warned that the intensity and presentation of the dishes must be adjusted according to Xiao Ning's taste.

Who doesn't want the little thing to take bitter medicine? So the only choice is to compromise and get her some home-cooked food that she likes to eat to fill her stomach.

The nurse brought dinner in.

According to the nurse, Xiao Ning ate a little.

Bai Yeyuan listened to the report and waved the nurse out.

That night, he left the hospital.

He took away Ye Er Ye San Ye Si, leaving Ye Yi and a group of Ye Department masters to guard her around the hospital.

Xiao Ning lay in bed for a few days. When Xiahou Susu came to check her ward and diagnose her, he persuaded her to get up and walk around: "I see that your various indicators have recovered well. Although your man is not a thing, the medicinal diet he prepared for you is really good." It's very powerful. You have to keep drinking it. Also, although your body has recovered, I see that your face is still so pale and your energy and blood are not good. I'm afraid it is also related to your lack of activity. Go out for a walk more and you will be in a good mood. When you get up, your qi and blood can flow smoothly, right... Let me tell you, you girls, it takes a serious illness to realize how precious life is. Do you know that I once lay in bed like a fool for several years because I was terminally ill? Same, it's so miserable, so now that my body has recovered, I can't wait to get up full of energy after only sleeping for five hours a day. The devil has to stay in bed! Get up quickly, and I will take you to the garden to see the ginkgo leaves. It’s so beautiful when it lands on the floor!”

With Xiahou Susu's enthusiastic encouragement, Xiao Ning finally took steps and walked out of the room...

this day.

Xiahou Susu accompanied her for a walk in the garden as usual.

Passing under the ginkgo tree, suddenly, a man in black robe descended from the sky!

The man's gray leather shoes were spotless, and his whole person was filled with a cold aura. You could feel the cold and solemn killing intent before you even got close to him!

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