Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2532 I don’t mind if you slept with him

novel network

There was a young man's voice on the phone, very polite and polite:

"It's like this, Miss Xiao, we have a gentleman here who has been drinking in our restaurant since he arrived in the morning. We see that he has been drinking all day. He seems to be dead. He is still wearing a bandage and using a cane. He is probably going to leave. I wanted to call his family to pick him up, but he refused to show us his mobile phone. He only gave us a phone number and your name... Do you think it would be convenient for you to come pick him up? Ahem, mainly because of him The bill has not been paid yet..."

The waiter opposite, embarrassed, revealed the real purpose.

If it weren't for money, he wouldn't be so persistent in calling a strange woman's cell phone.

Xiao Ning frowned slightly.

Wearing a bandage?

On crutches?

Could it be Brother Tianyu?

Shouldn't Brother Tianyu be recuperating in the hospital now? Why would you go to a restaurant and get drunk?

She felt a little confused for a moment.

She promised Bai Yeyuan never to see Mu Tianyu again.

If she goes, will it be considered a gaffe?

She said cruelly: "It's not convenient for me to go. How about this, you send me your account number, and I'll pay you double the meal fee. Could you please call a car to take him home? I have his home address. It will be sent to you.”

The waiter was hesitant whether to agree or not.

Suddenly, there was a heavy "pop" sound from the other end of the phone.

The waiter exclaimed and shouted urgently: "Miss Xiao, you should come here in person! He fell! His head is bleeding, and we cannot be held responsible! It's better for you to handle it!"

Head bleeding?

Xiao Ning held her forehead and had no time to hesitate anymore: "Okay, tell me your address!"

ten minutes later.

Rose Hotel.

Xiao Ning stepped in hurriedly.

She was familiar with the restaurant in this hotel. Mu Tianyu once invited her to have dinner here.

She was more familiar with it as she passed the restroom in the hotel corridor.

In this bathroom, Bai Yeyuan once insulted her with a cigar, which was very shameless.

Pursing her lips, she pushed down all those complicated memories and quickly walked into the hotel restaurant.

Sure enough, Bai Yeyuan fell to the ground, his forehead hit the table leg, and he bled a little.

The people in the restaurant didn't dare to be responsible, and they didn't even dare to help him up, for fear of getting him into trouble.

Xiao Ning stepped forward helplessly: "Can you please help me get him to my car? If anything happens, I will bear it."

After such assurance, the waiters were willing to take action.

Everyone worked hard to get Mu Tianyu into the back seat of Xiao Ning's car, and then took the money from Xiao Ning before letting them leave.

Xiao Ning looked at Mu Tianyu in the back seat and felt dizzy.

Forget it, let's take him back to the hospital. He's so drunk that he needs a doctor's intervention.

Fortunately, the hospital wasn't too far away and she drove there quickly.

Perhaps it was the bumpy ride that made Mu Tianyu sober up a bit.

When she helped him get out of the car, he staggered and was able to walk a few steps.

"Ning Ning, is that you? I thought you would never pay attention to me..." Mu Tianyu said vaguely.

Xiao Ning moved her lips: "How could it be? I didn't ignore you... You can see the road clearly under your feet, Brother Tianyu, I can't help you very much, you have to support the crutches by yourself."

Mu Tianyu leaned on her with half of his body, holding a cane on the other half, with drunken eyes: "Ning Ning, I will take you away, let's elope, okay..."

Xiao Ning smiled bitterly: "Don't make trouble. That's impossible."

Mu Tianyu was anxious: "Ning Ning, you are still angry with me, right? I swear to God, I just didn't react that day. In fact, I don't mind, I don't really mind, you slept with him..."

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