Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2537: Getting married will bring shame to our Bai family!

novel network

Xiao Ning hid in the bathroom and dialed the number of the "Dream Realization" agency.

On the phone, the arrogant wiring guy patted his chest and promised that everything would be taken care of by him!

"Brother Long, I have been in the smuggling business for decades, and I have never failed. Trust me, as long as the money is in place, I will guarantee that you will go abroad smoothly!"

Xiao Ning's eyebrows twitched, and she thought to herself that this man didn't even know if he was thirty or forty years old. He said he had been working in the industry for decades, so he was not lying, right?

However, when it came to specific details, Brother Long showed a very professional attitude.

He suggested that Xiao Ning buy a fake identity as a business person and then buy a work visa.

In this way, it is easier to find a job abroad and make a living independently quickly.

As a mode of transportation, he recommends cruise ships.

"The airport customs security is too strict. I'm worried that you won't be able to pass. As for the cruise ship, you can disguise yourself as one of our staff and it will be much easier to sneak in."

Xiao Ning was very satisfied.

However, she had some difficulty in choosing the specific country to arrive.

Of course, Europe is very good, but it is a pity that it is Bai Yeyuan's territory, especially France and Italy. She believes that he may catch the cruise ship before it even docks.

"Go to Southeast Asia! I recommend Southeast Asia. The environment is easy to adapt to and the consumption is very low. The key point is the route is close and you don't have to float in the ocean for so long. Beauty, I suggest you choose Southeast Asia countries!" Brother Long once again gave pertinent advice.

Xiao Ning was also very happy: "Okay, that's it. Please help me with the procedures. I'll call you the money in the next two days."

Brother Long: "Haha, easy to say, easy to say! Beauty, when are you going to go abroad?"

Xiao Ning pursed her lips: "The sooner, the better."


The agency fee of 800,000 yuan is the next problem that Xiao Ning needs to solve immediately.

She had worked in the law firm and archives for less than a month, and her salary was not much in total, and she had no savings in normal times. The money was not big or small, but it really stumped her.

She also thought about whether to borrow money from Qiqi.

However, she did not plan to mention the matter of smuggling out of the country to any of her friends, because once she left, if Bai Yeyuan discovered her one day, she was afraid that Bai Yeyuan would be angry with others and hurt her friends.

So, you have to solve it yourself!

She took a deep breath and encouraged herself: "Master Xiao Ning, you can do it!"

She rushed back to the Bai family mansion while thinking about how to get 800,000 yuan as soon as possible.

As soon as he entered the door, he was stunned.

The Bai family mansion was bustling with activity, and it was rare that someone came to visit.

And these customers are her very familiar acquaintances!

"Ningning, are you finished get off work? Are you tired? Are you hungry?" Bai Shaoyao looked at her daughter with a look of love and care.

She and her husband live in Qingcheng, and they don't get to go back to the imperial capital to visit relatives many times throughout the year. Therefore, when she sees her daughter, she is filled with concern.

Father Xiao, on the other hand, scolded him with a straight face and a bit of displeasure. "Why do you get off work so late? You are usually so ignorant. Don't you know you should go home early to serve the old lady?"

Hearing this, the old lady's tone was a bit sinister: "Xiao Xiao, what's the use of scolding your children now? You have to educate your daughter well at ordinary times to be decent. Otherwise, those who don't know will think that all of you Xiao family have tutors like this! In the future, If you go out and get married, it will bring shame on our Bai family!"

Father Xiao's face became even more disgusting.

Originally, Mrs. Bai, the mother-in-law, didn't like him very much. Not only did Xiao Ning fail to please her grandma at the Bai family, but she made her very unhappy. She simply caused trouble for him!

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