Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2544 Sky-high price jewelry

novel network

That night, Xiao Ning slept in Bai Yeyuan's arms, but she couldn't sleep at all. She spent the whole night thinking about how to raise money to escape.

When the sky was dark, she finally thought of it.

Haha, it's really a bit ironic. She wanted to escape from him, but in the end she used what he gave her in exchange for the opportunity to escape.

What is this?

Retribution, right?

Bai Yeyuan has excellent living habits. No matter how late he sleeps, he will get up early to work if there is no accident.

After Xiao Ning waited for him to go out, she quickly got up and returned to her boudoir on the third floor.

Opening the wardrobe, there are countless clothes, shoes, bags and jewelry... The floor-to-ceiling wardrobe fills three walls. If you take out just a few, it will be more than the belongings of the most popular female star.

Too bad she almost never wears them.

She always wears school uniforms at school, work clothes at work, and occasionally wears low-key, casual and sporty styles.

Not to mention the jewelry and watches, many of which have not even been opened.

At this moment, she carefully inspected her wardrobe, and she was a little surprised.

However, in just four years of studying in college, Bai Yeyuan actually bought her so many customized high-end clothes.

She didn't dare to carefully calculate the staggering value of these top-notch luxury goods.

She randomly picked out a few unopened jewelry and watches, put them in her bag and went out.

On the way to work, she turned into a pawn shop and pawned her jewelry and watches at a very low price, collecting 800,000 yuan.

In fact, if she wanted to, she could sell a few more pieces and get tens of millions back, easily.

However, she didn't do that. She just changed it for 800,000 and then stopped.

She only needs the 800,000 agency fee to escape, and she will exchange it for 800,000.

When she leaves the country, she will have to rely on the skills of her own hands to make money for herself.

If you want to leave, leave cleanly. If you still spend Bai Yeyuan's money after leaving, what kind of freedom is that?

Xiao Ning called the money to Brother Long from the "Dream Realization" agency.

Brother Long smiled happily: "Wait for my news, beauty! I will make arrangements for you within a week!"


During this time, Bai Yeyuan suddenly became busy.

I don't know if there is something wrong with the business in Italy, but Xiao Ning always sees him making international long distance calls at home, or turning on the video remote control to direct the work of the foreign team.

It's better for Bai Yeyuan to be busy. Once he is busy, he will have less time to wreak havoc on her.

She was happy and relaxed.

It’s just that she doesn’t understand that the business in Italy is so important and so difficult, why doesn’t he fly there to handle it in person?

Could it be that it was inconvenient because the private plane crashed?

It seems wrong...

After all, given the strength of the Bai family, wouldn't it be as easy to change a private jet as it is for an ordinary person to change a mobile phone?

Xiao Ning didn't think deeply.

The Xiao family father and son are also very busy these days. They go out early and come back late every day, attending various celebrity cocktail parties and business forums in the imperial capital.

For the sake of her husband and stepson's career, Bai Shaoyao had to sacrifice her smile and use the connections she had accumulated in the imperial capital over the years. Of course, she would also occasionally bring up the names of Mrs. Bai or Bai Yeyuan to help the father and son build relationships and find business. .

Xiao Zhijun was high-spirited and felt that he was one step closer to the noble master's character.

Especially on this day, when he heard that Mrs. Bai took everyone of the Bai family and invited some female relatives who had business dealings with the Bai family to pray at the famous Zen temple in Maple Leaf Valley in Xiangshan Mountain in the suburbs, he was so proud that his eyes and eyebrows were filled with pride. The chattering started.

He must perform well at this party!

at the same time.

When Bai Lang got the news, he immediately contacted Gong Jue and Gu Qiqi——

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