Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2548 She escaped successfully!

Xiao Zhijun screamed in agony.

Xiao Ning clapped her hands and took a step forward calmly, standing in front of the rolling Xiao Zhijun: "Nothing. As you said, I just want to give you an unforgettable memory."

Xiao Zhijun's pupils suddenly shrank to the size of a pinhead, and he pointed at her in horror: "You, you, how could you move your legs? Wasn't your foot stuck by the beast clamp I arranged? There's a trap on it. It has serrated teeth and is so sharp that it will grind your feet into pulp..."

However, at this moment, Xiao Ning's whole body was intact. Where was there a wound? A drop of blood?

It looked like Xiao Zhijun had seen a ghost!

Xiao Ning sneered: "Your little tricks can still be used in the countryside of Qingcheng, but in the imperial capital, you don't know how to die! Beast trap? You forgot what major I studied!"

At this moment, Xiao Ning had to thank Bai Yeyuan for forcing her to enroll in the veterinary profession.

Not to mention that she is very familiar with this animal trap, and she will not be easily caught. Even if it is really caught, she has the ability to quickly untie it and bandage the wound. She will definitely not get tighter and tighter with struggle, and finally get disturbed. The tragic ending of turning into meat.

Xiao Zhijun was shocked when he heard this.

He didn't expect that Xiao Ning, who looked like a loser, could even deal with a beast trap.

Yeah, the vet…

His sister's veterinarian learned it at the wrong time!

At this moment, he suddenly realized that the thing causing the heart-breaking pain below him was the animal trap!

Xiao Ning didn't get hit. Instead, she took advantage of the moment when he was approaching and lowered her guard by talking, and put the trap on him!

He couldn't care less about his shame and begged repeatedly: "Sister, brother, I was confused just now, and I was wrong! Please pull out the animal trap for me. If it's too late, my thing will be's really It hurts so much!”

Xiao Ning kicked him coldly and continued walking down the mountain without looking back: "You should be grateful that I didn't take your life or put a trap on your throat!"

Xiao Zhijun roared heartbreakingly: "Xiao Ning, you and I swear we are incompatible! You little bitch... smash... smash..."

Xiao Zhijun's screams echoed in the empty valley.

despair. desolate.

Xiao Ning quickly went down the mountain.

Time was wasted here with Xiao Zhijun, so she had to race against time.

She randomly pried a car in the parking lot. She hadn't used this method for many years and her skills were a bit rusty. However, after a few struggles, she managed to get it done successfully - the handsome Xiao Ning is back!

As she drove down the mountain, she passed Gong Jue's car.

Gu Qiqi, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked back in confusion: "Hey, why do I feel that the girl who drove the car just now looks a bit like Little Lemon? But that car doesn't belong to the Xiao family..."

she muttered.

Gong Jue said: "Can't we just call her and find out?"

Gu Qiqi chuckled: "Yes."

Unfortunately, no matter how many times I call, no one answers.

Gong Jue: "Did you see it wrong? She should have arrived at the Zen Temple now and is helping Mrs. Bai greet the guests."

Gu Qiqi suppressed the strangeness in her heart and felt that something was strange: "Okay, we are almost there, let's talk about it when we get up."

At this moment.

Xiao Ning was racing while looking at the caller number on her mobile phone.

A thin layer of mist gradually formed in her eyes. She did not answer the call, but sniffed, with a touch of sobs, and whispered softly: "Qiqi, my best friend, I may never have the chance to see you again in this life, nor is I destined to attend. It’s your wedding...but I sincerely hope that you and Sir Alex will be safe and happy, and have many children and grandchildren..."

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