Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2556 The Promise She Made to a Man [Must Read]

Gong Jue snorted coldly: "She is prettier than you, smarter than you, and much more powerful than you! Having such a daughter is a blessing that you have cultivated for several lifetimes! You still don't know how to cherish it! Bai Qiangwei, you have to be really serious, It’s too easy to know if Qiqi is your daughter. You just don’t want to recognize it at all and don’t even think about the possibility. I’m extremely disappointed in you on Qiqi’s behalf!”

With that said, he unbuttoned Gu Qiqi's cuffs, took off a pair of ruby ​​bracelets from Gu Qiqi's wrists, and threw them back.

The bracelet fell into the soil of the medicine field.

Bai Qiangwei pursed her lips and slowly walked towards the medicine field.

She picked up the pair of ruby ​​bracelets and felt somewhat familiar, but she didn't know where she had seen them before.

He wanted to catch up to Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue, but they were already gone.

But when he bumped into Bai Lang, Bai Lang pointed at the ruby ​​bracelet in surprise: "Sister, I haven't seen you wearing these bracelets in eight hundred years. Isn't this what your mother gave you as your eighteenth-year-old coming-of-age ceremony? ?”

Bai Qiangwei's face froze, and her fingers tightened on the ruby ​​bracelet.

Gu Qiqi, why do you have her things? Or such a precious souvenir?

Gong Jue's words rang in her ears again.

——If you really want revenge, first find out why they died!

——When the eyes are blind, as long as the mind is not blind, there is still hope!

——You will definitely regret what you did today!

——It’s too easy to know if Qiqi is your daughter!

With trembling hands, she pulled out a piece of hair from her ear: "Bailang, help me get an appraisal..."

He took a deep breath and said slowly: "Please help me contact the two daughters of the Xiahou family..."

Bailang looked confused: "Uh-huh, okay..."

After watching Bai Lang go to do something, Bai Qiangwei was completely lost and walked aimlessly in the Zen temple.

Was she wrong?

Was she really wrong?

Shouldn't people trust their own eyes?

Shouldn't she believe the twin roses she saw?

But if what Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue said is true, why does she have no impression of Gu Qiqi at all? When did she have a man in her life?

Is it the Prince Beigong who came to see her last time?

The man came to see her a few more times, but she stayed behind closed doors.

The last time, the man unexpectedly found a note from nowhere, written by her herself.

In that note, she said that if he won first place in the World Medical Competition, she would agree to one condition.

God, she really never remembered making such a promise to anyone else, or to a man.

A man she didn't know.

What's more, that man also claimed to have skin-to-skin contact with her and gave birth to a daughter out of wedlock!

How could such a bloody life be owned by her calm-hearted White Rose?

As she walked, her heart was filled with unsolvable knots and worries. She heard that the World Medical Competition would start again soon. If that man won the first place, would she have to fulfill the promise on the note? ?

Agree to his request.

What if he makes a shameless request?

Bai Qiangwei is in a dilemma.

"World Medical Competition... Is he really sure of winning first place? He's just a noble prince, not a real doctor. Why should he be so confident? Maybe he shouldn't take it too seriously..." Bai Qiangwei sighed.


A small voice came from my ears: "Who wants to win the first place? The first place must be mine, and no one can compete with me."

Hearing this, Bai Qiangwei looked around and saw no one.

I thought I was hearing hallucinations.

A little milk bag emerged from the bamboo forest, smiling sweetly: "Are you looking for me? Grandma."

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