Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2565 He is afraid that he will never find her again in this life

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Xiao Ning blushed and listened to the doctor's instructions.

Overall, her baby was safe and healthy and is now growing healthily in her womb.

Thinking about it, Bai Yeyuan had bullied her countless times in different ways in the past month. Last time, he even sent her to the hospital, but the baby still survived tenaciously.

What a very, very lucky baby!

She believed this was a gift from God, and it would be cruel to let her give up the baby.

Xiao Ning asked the doctor: "Do I still need to be hospitalized?"

"It's best to be hospitalized for rest. If you are really in trouble at home, I can prescribe you some anti-fetal drugs... But you really have to be careful about your marital life with your husband..." The doctor couldn't help but remind her again. .

Xiao Ning was already so ashamed that she felt ashamed.

Bai Yeyuan's bullying of her was so cruel that even the doctor could see it.

Because the packages of traditional Chinese medicine were too heavy, Xiao Ning did not take them for fear of having fetal gas, so she only took the prescription and left the hospital.

The broken calf caused her to limp when she walked. She even had to jump around to move forward without any support.

But there was a strange light on her face.

That is the light of pride and strength that every woman who knows she is going to be a mother will have.

It is because of having a baby that the whole person becomes more vibrant and fearless.

She returned to the Bai family mansion.

Climbing the stairs with difficulty step by step.

When she opened the door to her small room on the third floor, her little body finally froze.

The strange light on his face gradually faded away inch by inch.

Under the cold moonlight, Bai Yeyuan was sitting beside her bed, smoking a cigar.

Men are not addicted to smoking.

The cigar was held between his slender fingers, and the curls of smoke rose faintly, adding an indescribable cold charm to his cold face.

Xiao Ning's little hands trembled slightly and she instinctively covered her nose.

The baby cannot inhale the smoke, it is not good for the baby.

Bai Yeyuan put out his cigar.

Get up and walk towards her.

When his tall figure stood in front of her, he had an overwhelming advantage. Xiao Ning even felt that he could envelope her with one hand - his power over her was so terrifying.

Bai Yeyuan pinched her chin, and his voice was a little colder than usual: "Where are you going?"

Xiao Ning lowered her eyes, not daring to look directly at him, and subconsciously covered her lower abdomen with a small hand: "Go out... for a walk."

Just going for a walk?

Just want to smuggle out of the country casually... for a walk?

Woman, you really dare to say anything!

Bai Yeyuan sneered in his heart, and his face became even colder: "Why are you coming back?"

Xiao Ning pursed her lips, feeling a little uncomfortable: "Well... I'm tired from walking and want to go home."

Bai Yeyuan's eyes were dim and unclear, but his hands were a little looser.

Perhaps hearing the words "go home" softened his anger a bit.

But then he thought that this little thing had so casually sold the gift he gave her for her eighteenth birthday, and was planning to escape behind his back... He couldn't remain calm.

God knows, when he drove to the dock, his whole hands were shaking.

Because he was really afraid that if he was delayed for a second, the little thing would go out of the sea and hide somewhere where he would never find it.

He was even more afraid that the inconspicuous little agent she contacted was some kind of black agent with evil intentions, and that he would sell her to an unknown country in Africa to work as a coolie or a sex slave...

In that case, he might really never be able to find her in this life.

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