Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2567: The technology is so poor!

novel network

"Uncle, can you be gentler?"

Xiao Ning's pleading voice was aggrieved and soft.

It was okay if she didn't say it, but when she did, Bai Yeyuan's eyes darkened a bit.

He did not answer. He untied his tie with force and coldness. His Adam's apple rolled up and down. He stared at Xiao Ning like he was staring at a small, shivering prey.

Xiao Ning, with her eyes closed, felt like her hands were tied.

Her long eyelashes trembled suddenly, remembering how he tied her hands, hung her up in the back seat of the narrow car that day, and bullied her crazily.

No, if you still bully her in that way, her baby will definitely not be able to bear it.

For the sake of her baby, she was willing to put down her body and sincerely plead with him.

"Little uncle, please, can you... don't... do this... I, I'm afraid of pain..." She begged him with a tearful tone, her voice thin and vague.

Because there was no protection from the palm of his hand, his lower abdomen trembled in the air.

The small translucent fuzz on the skin trembled nervously.

How could Bai Yeyuan hold back? He had never been a man who would restrain his desires just because a woman begged for mercy.

He pulled her feet up coldly: "It won't hurt in a while."

As he spoke, he pressed his whole body against her.

Xiao Ning gasped and bit the sheets helplessly.

Just when she thought she was about to endure his usual violent storm, he suddenly stopped, pulled away and asked her: "What's going on here?"

His big palm was holding one of her calves high in a rather shameful posture.

Xiao Ning slowly opened her eyes and bit her lip: "'s okay."

That was the place where her leg was hit and fractured when she hit the brakes in a car accident while escaping.

It was not fixed with a splint, and by touching it with my bare hands, I could still feel the difference between the bones and others. However, if you are not a doctor, you will not notice this small difference at all.

She didn't expect Bai Yeyuan to notice such subtleties.

Bai Yeyuan snorted coldly and picked her up.

His hands began to roam her body.

Xiao Ning was extremely nervous, thinking that he had developed some new method and was going to torture her in some perverted way.

Unexpectedly, after Bai Yeyuan touched her around, his palm still stayed on her fractured area.

"Is this the only injury?" he asked in a deep voice.

Xiao Ning had no choice but nodded lightly: "Yes."

It turned out that he was touching and there were no other fractures on her body.

An indescribable strange feeling suddenly passed through my heart.

It must have been a long time since she had been cared about by anyone, so she could be so easily moved by his casual words.

Bai Yeyuan gently placed her on the bed.

Wherever she looked, she could clearly see that the desire and desire under his body were still arrogantly flourishing, showing no signs of fading away.

She blushed and looked away shyly.

But this man just had the ability. While maintaining that state, he could still focus on straightening her bones.

"Which hospital bandaged you? Your skills are so poor!" Bai Yeyuan snorted in disgust.

Before Xiao Ning could answer.

"Click." A sound.

He fixed the dislocation of Xiao Ning's fracture.

Xiao Ning didn't even have the chance to cry out in pain.

She pursed her lips: "Uncle, thank you..."

Bai Yeyuan coldly applied special ointment to her injured area: "You have such useless skills, but you still have the nerve to imitate others and run away from home? My face has been completely shamed by you..."

Xiao Ning bit her lip in embarrassment, unable to raise her head in embarrassment.

Yes, she is really a useless piece of trash.

He ran away from home but failed to escape.

He also hurt himself and came back with a ball.

There may not be a woman as stupid as her in the whole world.

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