Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2570 The mystery of women fascinates him

Xiao Ning felt a bitterness in her throat and shook her head: "Yes, lawyers are not suitable for me."

Fu Qingyun: "..."

He was silent for a long time: "The child trafficking case you handled has been selected as the first among the top ten criminal cases."

Xiao Ning was surprised: "Really? That's great. I don't know about it yet."

She told Brother Tianyu that she didn't want to apply for any honors. Unexpectedly, Brother Tianyu really took the cases she handled to heart and actually applied for the top ten criminal cases, and even got the first place. .

This first place will compete with other types of cases for the Grand Prize at the end of the year.

In addition to the last public welfare case of dog abuse, Universe Law Firm has at least two cases that are eligible for the Fengyun Award today.

Xiao Ning suddenly felt that her short-lived internship life seemed to be not bad, quite fulfilling and quite rewarding.

However, on the phone, Fu Qingyun's voice was calm and low: "Miss Ningning, do you know who is accepting the award on behalf of your law firm as the sponsor of this case?"

Xiao Ning was startled: "I don't know... It should be An Wanru, Lawyer An, right?"

After all, she is the apprentice brought out by Lawyer An.

Fu Qingyun said lightly: "No. It's a female lawyer named Zhu Qianqian."

Zhu Qianqian? !

Xiao Ning's breath hitched.

Why would brother Tianyu hand over the case to that woman?

Xiao Ning felt indescribably uncomfortable when she thought that the case she had worked so hard to handle was named by Zhu Qianqian, a hypocritical and sinister woman who did one thing in front of her and another behind her back.


She has already left the law firm, so what right does she have to object?

Fu Qingyun continued: "Miss Ningning, don't you think about it, come out again, and take responsibility for the case you are responsible for to the end? Otherwise, when the finals of the Fengyun Awards are held, your case will be ruined by unprofessional people. What do you think?"

Fu Qingyun's words really touched Xiao Ning's heart.

She doesn't care about reputation, but she cares about her case.

She was very clear about Zhu Qianqian's nature. She just wanted to gain fame and reputation, and her mind was not on handling the case.

Let her take the case to the arena and argue, which ultimately ruined the case...

Xiao Ning took a deep breath, feeling unwilling to do so.

But when her fingers lightly brushed her belly, she was helpless!

"I'm sorry, Inspector Fu, I know your suggestion is for my own good... but I really can't come out and continue working now..." Xiao Ning's voice was sour. She had too many helpless things to explain to outsiders!

Fu Qingyun couldn't persuade her, so he didn't persist.

Instead, he seemed to chat with her leisurely about other topics.

"Does Miss Ningning like life abroad? If given the chance, would you consider settling abroad?"

"This... just average. To me, it doesn't really matter where you are, as long as you are free..." Xiao Ning smiled bitterly.

"Well, me too." Fu Qingyun said, but doubts gradually arose in his heart. Since Xiao Ning didn't like living abroad, why did she go through all the trouble to smuggle out of the country?

There are really too many mysteries hidden in this woman.

But it also fascinated him more and more...

Similarly, Xiao Ning felt much more relaxed when chatting with Fu Qingyun.

Even when Fu Qingyun later told her about several cases he was handling, she couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Are there really such stupid thieves? Are you trying to catch a turtle in a jar?"

Fu Qingyun answered seriously: "Yes. If you come out next time if you have a chance, I will show you the scene of the crime scene. It's really like catching a turtle in a jar..."

"Okay, I will definitely go with you if I have the chance!"

Unknowingly, the two of them chatted for a long time.

It wasn't until Xiao Ning heard a noise at the door of the mansion and thought it was Bai Yeyuan coming back that she quickly said sorry and hung up the phone.

She looked out the window.

It wasn't Bai Yeyuan who came back.

But it was someone she didn't expect.

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