Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2574 She is someone who is tired of being played with by others

When Father Xiao heard what Mrs. Bai said, he immediately followed suit and reprimanded her: "Unfilial daughter, our Xiao family has always been a simple and hard-working family. Even if we make money, we still invest in our children's education and never compare with those luxury goods. You are ruining the family tradition. Look, I won’t break your legs!”

Bai Shaoyao hurriedly stopped her: "Husband, don't worry, just listen to Ningning's explanation... Ningning, you have your own reasons, right? The shoes are not yours, right?"

Xiao Ning opened her lips and then closed them again.

It's really hard for her to explain these shoes.

These were shoes given to her by Fu Qingyun. She didn't know how much they were worth. They looked very plain. She thought they were not worth much. After all, he was just a small civil servant. His monthly salary was 10,000 yuan, which was pretty good.

How expensive can you buy shoes?

But everyone seems to think these shoes are expensive...

She was also very melancholy.

After a long while, she said softly: "It was a gift from a friend."

Mrs. Mu had grasped the handle and said angrily: "Friend? Boyfriend? Or an old man? My Tianyu must have never given any gifts anyway! As Tianyu's fiancée, you accept gifts from other men. How dare you say that you have no style? Question? Is it so expensive that a normal friend would give it to you? If you don’t pay a price, others will give it to you for free? How many men have taken advantage of you in exchange for so many expensive clothes and shoes, who knows..."

Bai Shaoyao's expression changed: "Mrs. Mu, you can't say that about my Ning Ning..."

Mrs. Mu snorted coldly: "I'm not the only one who said it, it's spread throughout the company! Nowadays, everyone knows about your Ningning's disgusting things, so I'm here today just to ask you, the Xiao family and the Bai family Let me tell you something, my son is gold... Oh no, diamond king and laowu, don't let anyone unbox it and play with it! We want to cancel the engagement! We also need you to pay us mental compensation!"

Mrs. Mu finally revealed her purpose.

Not only was she breaking off the engagement today, she was also asking for some interest.

He is truly a businessman.

Mrs. Bai was extremely angry, and the anger in her eyes was directed at Xiao Ning: "You bastard! You have to kneel in the ancestral hall for ten days and ten nights! As for the matter of breaking off the engagement, you, the Xiao family, can handle it yourself. We, the Bai family, do not have such a shameful thing. !”

After that, he held on to the crutches tremblingly and walked away with the help of the servant.

Bai Shaoyao was so shocked that she couldn't speak, and her lips were trembling.

After Father Xiao watched the old lady leave, he jumped up immediately as he was the only one who could make the decision here.


A slap hit Xiao Ning's face: "You shameless thing, you did such a dirty thing!"

Xiao Ning's little face was already pale, so she didn't hide away from such a slap, and the red slap marks on her face were immediately revealed.

Bai Shaoyao felt extremely distressed and pulled her husband: "Husband, please tell me if you have something to say. Why are you beating your child..."

The old lady is not here, and Xiao's father is now more confident: "Shut up. Even if you can't give birth to a son, you can't even raise a daughter. If someone breaks off the engagement like this, my Xiao family will lose all face by you and your mother!" "

Bai Shaoyao's eyes turned red.

Yes, she is not capable of giving birth to a son, so she has been unable to hold her head high in the Xiao family for many years.

If Mrs. Bai was still alive and could suppress her for a few more years, Father Xiao would have found a new love and left her long ago.

Now Ningning has caused such a disgraceful thing again...

Bai Shaoyao was a traditional woman. She lowered her head and sobbed, not knowing what to do.

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