Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2582 Do you want other men to hurt you?

Xiao Zhijun thought gloomily, maybe there was a pair of invisible hands behind the scenes that randomly changed the chess game and made a small character like him lose his mind.

It feels so good to be powerful.

It feels good to be capable and powerful.

You can do whatever you want!

You can get whatever kind of business you want.

You can have whatever kind of woman you want to fuck...

Even if it is his sister, if he has the ability, he can get her. Like Bai Yeyuan, he can take her anywhere, where no one can see her. Who knows what shameful things they are doing?

Xiao Zhijun stared at the place where Xiao Ning and Bai Yeyuan disappeared with distorted eyes, and his eyes suddenly became complicated.

Father Xiao shook him several times before he pushed him away impatiently: "Dad, there's no need to try so hard to save those businesses. Someone is trying to punish us and make it impossible for us to stay in the imperial capital. Can't you tell?"

"Who? Who dares to punish our Xiao family? Don't you know that we are relatives of the Bai family?!" Father Xiao roared.

Xiao Zhijun sneered: "Dad, don't get excited. Since this world doesn't allow us to take the sunny road, then I will find another way and take a crooked way... Anyway, the end point is the same!"

He seemed to have discovered an opportunity.

An opportunity that makes even the strong fear him.

He needs to plan carefully...


Xiao Ning followed Bai Yeyuan back to Xiaohonglou.

It was still a little uncomfortable to be alone with him after being separated from the crowd.

She lowered her eyes and walked silently.

Bai Yeyuan suddenly said: "Why, are you a little reluctant to break off the engagement?"

The tone was cold and cool, which was a little different from the way he doted on her in front of everyone just now.

Xiao Ning raised her face and summoned up the courage to ask, "Uncle, did you force Brother Tianyu to break off the engagement?"

Bai Yeyuan's eyes darkened a bit: "So what? Do you regret it?"

Xiao Ning bit her lip: "..."

This feeling cannot be called regret.

Brother Tianyu was drunk that day and was so persistent that he wanted to marry her immediately.

What would make Brother Tianyu compromise, and the reason why he had to break off the engagement, must be very cruel, right?

She could almost imagine how her uncle threatened brother Tianyu.

Although she was relieved after breaking off the engagement, she couldn't be happy when she thought that this was the result of her uncle's coercion.

She resigned and broke off the engagement. Brother Tianyu has nothing to do with her now. Her uncle has stripped her of all the friends in her life, and then it will be easier to bully her from now on, right?

She didn't regret it, she felt the future was bleak.

No matter how much Bai Yeyuan protected her or doted on her, he would never marry her.

He doesn't love her either.

Anyone who loves and protects her will be driven away without mercy.

The thought of having a child for such a possessive demon made her feel sad.

If she said regret, she didn't know if one day in the future she would regret keeping this child.

Seeing Xiao Ning's delay in answering, Bai Yeyuan's face began to turn ugly.

He grabbed her chin and stopped on the stairs: "Do you really regret it? You don't want to break off the engagement with that pretty boy, right? Or do you still hate me for meddling in my own business just now, huh?"

Xiao Ning's jaw hurt and she softly called out: "Uncle, it hurts..."

After she became pregnant, her body seemed to be much more sensitive.

The reaction is huge at the slightest touch.

Bai Yeyuan said coldly: "I asked you to hurt you but you don't want to. Do you want other men to hurt you? Huh?"

Xiao Ning: "..."

It was almost impossible to have a normal human conversation with the big devil.

That's so unreasonable.

She found that when facing outsiders, the unreasonable devil was very domineering and even a little handsome.

But when she is unreasonable to her, it is really hateful...

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