Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2584 Let you cut off your arms and legs and become a waste

Chapter 258 is a waste

Xiao Ning felt guilty and did not dare to think deeply about this issue.

All she knew was that, for the first time, she was not so afraid of Bai Yeyuan bullying her.

She knew clearly what he was going to do while he was taking a shower in the bathroom, but she could wait for him calmly on the bed without the slightest intention of taking advantage of the opportunity to escape...

What's wrong with her?

Xiao Ning rolled out of bed uneasily and walked barefoot on the luxurious pure white Persian cashmere carpet.

Her heart was beating so hard that it almost seemed like she no longer belonged to her.

She now somewhat understands what it was like to wait for the emperor's favored concubine in ancient times.

No, no, no, how could she compare herself to Bai Yeyuan's concubine?

She is obviously just...

Her face suddenly turned a little ugly. She really didn't want to think of those two humiliating words.

Bai Yeyuan protected her today. She was not a fool, and she could always see that it was not just about protecting her toys.

She was so confused that she always felt that the simple and rough master-slave relationship between them seemed to have changed in some way.

She was pacing in circles until she almost fainted. Bai Yeyuan hadn't come out of the bathroom yet.

She remembered that Bai Yeyuan usually didn't take so long to take a bath...

When she walked to the bathroom door next time, she heard the faint sound of a phone call coming from inside.

It turned out that Bai Yeyuan was answering the phone.

No wonder.

so long.

She was about to walk back to bed and wait.

Suddenly, a name came into my ears.

"Mu Tianyu... shut up. You'd better find out for me whose woman she is. Since you have agreed to my conditions and sent me a letter of divorce, from now on there will be nothing between you." It has nothing to do with it. Of course, in exchange, the lives of your family will be saved this time. But remember, don’t let me see you biting around her like a smelly fly again. Otherwise, next time I..."

Bai Yeyuan paused, and his tone was extremely gloomy and cold: "I won't kill you, but I will make you amputate your hands and feet and become a real waste. You can only crawl on the ground and look at her. You can never touch her." Twist her clothes!"

"Click." The man in the bathroom hung up the call.

The sound of water started to sound again and he started to shower again.

Xiao Ning, however, felt as if she had been struck by lightning. She was stunned and walked towards the bed step by step.

Like an unconscious doll, he slumped down on the soft mattress.

It turns out to be true.

It was really my uncle who forced Brother Tianyu to send him the divorce letter.

The younger uncle not only forced brother Tianyu, but also threatened him with the lives of brother Tianyu and his family? She even said that if Brother Tianyu dared to come to see her again, he would have his hands and feet amputated?

How could he be so cruel?

He was so enthusiastic that his heart was chilled by this phone call.

The shy thoughts of a child just now suddenly seemed so ridiculous - Bai Yeyuan saved her, supported her in front of everyone, protected her, and fought back all the rumors.


Who caused all this?

He is obviously the culprit!

It was he who bought her expensive clothes and shoes, which caused the misunderstanding; it was he who forced brother Tianyu to break off the engagement, so today Mrs. Mu came to her door to humiliate her!

He would end the evil he had sown, and she was so grateful that she threw herself on the bed and waited for him to sleep.

Does he dare to make her even meaner?

Why, why did he always put her in the most pitiful, stupid and humiliating situations?

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