Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2587 Unless you marry him or become his daughter [must read]

The 258th person is his daughter

"Which two times? Please tell me clearly! Otherwise, wait for me to fuck and kill you!"

Bai Yeyuan's tone was so cold and menacing, which made Xiao Ning feel annoyed and disappointed.

I thought he was just ruthless, but now it seems that he is even more shameless. He still refuses to admit that he has the ability to do it?

Could it be that when she was hospitalized, the two times she saw Brother Tianyu being seriously injured, were she blind and wrong?

There was a touch of coolness and impatience in Xiao Ning's tone: "The first time, you asked your company's security guards to beat him seriously downstairs. He was bleeding all over the floor. I saw it with my own eyes! The second time, he was injured and hospitalized. Yes, just because I met him once, you found someone to beat him until he broke bones and vomited blood... This just happened last month. You don't remember anything, right? Are you ready this time? How to beat him severely? Break his hands and feet, right? Bai Yeyuan, apart from bullying me and beating brother Tianyu who has no ability to defend himself, what else will you do?"

As she spoke, she couldn't help but reveal a hint of disgust in her tone: "Seriously, Bai Yeyuan, I look down on you!"

You can only bully women and scholars, what kind of skills do you have!

She was angry and confident, with no fear but anger in her eyes as she stared at Bai Yeyuan.

The light in Bai Yeyuan's eyes was undercurrent.

The atmosphere around him suddenly became cold and solemn.

He grabbed Xiao Ning's waist and used a little strength, as if to break her waist. Gritting his teeth, he said every word with extreme coldness: "Are these two beatings what you call severe beatings?"

Xiao Ning: "I saw it all with my own eyes, do you still want to deny it?"

Bai Yeyuan was almost stunned by her, and the flames in his eyes seemed to be about to jump out and devour her in the next second: "What if you saw it wrong?"

Xiao Ning's mood was waning. She had already mentioned this, but Bai Yeyuan was still pretending to be stupid with her and still didn't admit it?

She really had nothing to say.

"If I'm wrong I'll take your last name!" she blurted out.

Then I felt a little regretful, it seemed that it was not a good idea to say this.

Unless she marries him or becomes his daughter, how can she bear his surname?

She immediately changed her words: "I...I was wrong, you can deal with it as you please. Then if what I said is true, should you apologize to Brother Tianyu?"

Bai Yeyuan breathed deeply and stared at her closely, as if he wanted to see through her heart.

After a long silence, he slapped her hard on the butt: "Let me apologize to the pretty boy, for dreaming!"


Xiao Ning was in unspeakable pain from being slapped by him.

It can't be considered painful.

It's hot, spicy, spicy, and has a strange taste.

Bai Yeyuan, the abuser, looked at his cell phone as if nothing was wrong.

Xiao Ning is so angry.

I just regretted that I wasn't strong enough and couldn't even break free of his wrist.

Bai Yeyuan dialed a phone and said coldly to the voice inside: "Mu Tianyu, tell me what the hell happened to you when you were beaten recently!"

As he spoke, he pressed the speakerphone button, and the voice on the phone came through very clearly.

Mu Tianyu's breathing was tense for a moment, and he seemed to notice something. He asked carefully and gently: "Ning Ning, is that you? Are you there too?"

Xiao Ning looked at Bai Yeyuan uneasily, wondering what was going on: "Are you threatening brother Tianyu?"

Bai Yeyuan snorted coldly and scolded impatiently into the phone: "Mu Tianyu, she is a man. Just tell her clearly in front of her. Who beat me downstairs at Bai's house that night and later in the hospital?" Of you!"

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