Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2602: Sir Alex is a doting wife

2nd wife crazy

Everyone was shocked from ear to ear by the extremely high number of votes received by the Nian Nian team.

Obviously most of the votes have been squeezed out by Bei Gonglie's team. How did Niannian's team get so many votes?

And it was a complete crushing vote?

Everyone looked at Gong Niannian. Gong Niannian also shook his little head and said he didn't know: "I thought it was at most one or two times more votes than him, but I didn't expect it to be three, four, five or six times..."

Everyone: "..."

More than one or two times is outrageous, right?

That's hundreds of millions of viewers voting.

How many people in the world pay attention to medical competitions?

This is not a selection of movie kings and queens in the entertainment industry, everyone participates.

After all, watching medical competitions still requires a certain threshold. At least the academic level must be online, and you must be able to understand the descriptions of diseases and pharmacology expressed by doctors...

This is destined to mean that the number of people participating in voting is reduced to a certain range and cannot increase.

However the opposite is true.

Everyone watched frantically as their scores soared. They had reached a height they could not imagine, and they were still...continuing to rise!

God, how many people finally participated in this vote?

In the histogram on the screen, Gong Niannian was far ahead, already as spectacular as a towering building.

In comparison, Bei Gonglie's votes were like ants crawling on the ground, let alone other teams. They were the size of sesame seeds and could not be seen as a bar chart at all.


Gu Qiqi was also confused: "Nian Nian is really amazing, much better than me. Although my score was higher than my opponent back then, it didn't seem like it was this high. It was just a shame..."

Gong Jue still looked unmoved and said calmly: "You win because of your strength, but hers is because of the idol fan effect."

Gu Qiqi was puzzled: "What is the idol fan effect?"

Gong Jue: "It must be that the audience who no longer have votes in their hands liked her so much that they voluntarily went home and pulled all the three uncles next door to my husband, wife, son, and mother to vote. Each one is worth ten, and that is why the current effect is achieved."

Gu Qiqi thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be the truth.

Otherwise, it’s really impossible to explain Nian Nian’s extremely high number of votes.

She sighed with emotion: "The younger generation is still more powerful."

Gong Jue sneered: "What kind of awesomeness is this? You are the only one who is awesome. You rely on your strength. She is just being praised by her fans."

Gu Qiqi smiled: "Having fans is also a sign of strength."

Gong Jue snorted.

Although the discussion did not continue, the arrogant look on Gong Jue's face simply had one line written all over his face -

"My wife is the most powerful in the universe and will not accept any objection at all!"

People who don’t know look at it and think that Gong Niannian was born by her stepfather...

As the bell rang, voting finally closed.

When the competition organizing committee announced the number of votes, their voices were trembling: "The final number of votes for Gong Niannian's team is——"

She took several short breaths before continuing to announce: "Her total votes are. 179,999 votes!"

The first place, Gong Niannian’s team, belongs to her!

The whole audience burst into applause and cheered.

Beigong Mingtian and Wu Jiujiu smiled and lifted Gong Niannian up and circled the field to pay their respects.

On the global broadcast screen, four-year-old Gong Niannian finally appeared in everyone's sight.

When the championship trophy was held in her hands, the global audience was excited.

too excited!

The miracle doctor they supported turned out to be such a cute little baby girl!

From that day on, the names of Gong Niannian and Queen International became familiar words to everyone.

At this moment, I'm afraid there is only one person in the world who is not excited at all——

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