Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2621 Sir, do you need me to come in and serve?

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Xiao Ning's face suddenly turned red.

It's so annoying, uncle, when you say that, it makes me feel like a big jealous person.

But Bai Yeyuan continued to tease her: "If you don't like seeing Juliet, I'll ask Jonson to go back and tell her not to appear in front of me in the future, okay?"

Xiao Ning was embarrassed: "No! I don't care about Juliet...I...the dishes I cooked are all cold, and the fish doesn't even taste good..."

The corners of Bai Yeyuan's lips curved slightly.

The little thing is jealous like others, and his mental endurance is so low that even if another woman calls him, she has to think about it. What will she do in the future?

He carried her back to the dining table and sat down, looking at the exquisite side dishes on the table: "You made them all?"

There is a place that is inexplicably warm in my cold and hard heart.

At that time, the little carrot head was just a little big thing, and the little things that needed to be warmed by him were now slim enough to cook for him.

He picked up his chopsticks and took a bite of fish.

Xiao Ning quickly stopped her: "No! Uncle, the food doesn't taste good when it's cold! And..."

And it’s also easy to hurt your stomach.

Bai Yeyuan didn't say anything, but ate quickly. In a short while, the three plates of food were gone.

Xiao Ning looked at him with dumbfounded eyes. It was difficult to connect this man with the dignified man she was familiar with at banquets who would only take a sip of red wine and a bite of steak and then stop eating anything.

This is a cool meal.

And she secretly ate a piece of it with chopsticks just now, and it really didn’t taste good!

She really didn't know what to say.

Bai Yeyuan swept away the cold dishes and then called the kitchen to send two bowls of Yangchun noodles.

Xiao Ning was surprised: "Uncle, aren't you full yet?"

Bai Yeyuan looked at her belly. She had cooed several times just now. This little thing was so stupid that she didn't eat and waited for him. Didn't she know she was hungry?

He looked away: "For my birthday, I want to eat longevity noodles."

Xiao Ning slapped her little head: "Wow, I actually forgot about longevity noodles..."

But then she thought about it, luckily she forgot to cook longevity noodles, otherwise her uncle would have had to drink cold noodle soup, which would have made his stomach and intestines even more uncomfortable.

Yangchun noodles are plain noodles and are quickly prepared and delivered from the kitchen.

When the waitress who served the noodles saw Bai Yeyuan's cold and dignified face when she opened the door, she couldn't help but feel her heart move, and her hands could hardly hold the tray.

Why would such a tall, handsome man who lives in such a high-end suite order two bowls of some noodles in the middle of the night?

Does he eat alone?

Do you want to stay here to eat and chat with him?

I heard that rich people are lonely, maybe this is a good opportunity.

Even if a man of such a high social class despises her, she won't be at a disadvantage if she can have sex with him for a while. At least she has slept with her male idol, right?

Just when the waitress shyly wanted to ask: "Sir, do you need me to come in and serve...".

Bai Yeyuan opened the door a little further.

As a result, Xiao Ning in his arms was completely exposed to the waitress's view.

So petite, so soft and cute, like a pitiful little animal, lying in this man's arms, you can see that she belongs to this man!

What's even more terrible is that when she said the word "service", the man's eyes were as cold as the arctic light, and there was actually a cold murderous intent!

The waitress was so heartbroken that she didn't dare to say anything anymore. She handed the tray in and hurried away with a sad face.

I'm afraid, there is a risk of death if I pick up a handsome guy.

He doesn’t know how the little woman in his arms can stand such a cold man!

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