Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2624 Qi Jue’s Wedding: Finale [1]

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Xiao Ning lay happily on the pillow, even her lower back was stuffed with a pillow - it was said to be supportive and good for her waist.

Bai Yeyuan covered her with the velvet quilt himself and adjusted the indoor air conditioner to the most suitable temperature.

"Aren't you... going to sleep?" Xiao Ning lay comfortably on the bed enjoying his rare service.

Bai Yeyuan's voice was slightly hoarse: "I'm going to the bathroom."

Xiao Ning blushed and realized that she couldn't satisfy him tonight, so he should have gone to the bathroom to solve that problem, right?

Listening to the rustling sound of water in the bathroom, the curvature of the corners of Xiao Ning's lips became wider and wider.

She gently caressed her belly and murmured to the baby in her belly: "Xiaomili, Xiaomili, you are really amazing. Your dad actually endured not having this and that for the first time in order to protect you... I almost don’t recognize him anymore!”

Her baby is truly the best baby in the world.

Even a cold man like Bai Yeyuan has become different because of the arrival of the baby...

The future is very exciting!


The next afternoon.

When Gu Qiqi was packing her luggage, she casually asked Gong Jue: "Shall we let Little Lemon take our private plane and go to Independence Island together?"

Gong Jue narrowed his eyes and hugged her from behind.

He had been patiently watching her put away the clothes, like a busy little wife, and he felt indescribably moved and warm in his heart.

"I don't want others to disturb our world. When the wedding comes, I won't be able to be intimate with you alone."

In the plan, the wedding will be held for three days and three nights, and guests from all over the world will be entertained, so there may not be a "bridal chamber" or anything like that.

Gong Jue felt a little depressed when he thought of this.

A wedding without a "bridal chamber" is simply a scam!

But who allowed them to have so many friends and relatives? The Beigong family alone has contracted half of the hotels on Independence Island. Almost the entire royal family can't wait to attend Beigong Qiqi's wedding. It is said that even the unreliable former king and queen showed up.

Therefore, Gong Jue especially wanted to seize the few moments before the wedding to spend time with Gu Qiqi.

Gu Qiqi helplessly held her forehead: "Jue, you forgot, Bai Qiangwei and Bei Gonglie also flew over with us. Since they have brought so many people, there are not many Duo Ningning, hmm... ...It’s no problem even bringing that guy Bai Yeyuan with me.”

Gong Jue: "..."

Why are there more and more light bulbs! depressed!

Gu Qiqi couldn't help laughing when she saw his stinky face. She took out her hand and pinched the man's chin, leaned over and kissed him lightly: "Okay, the days are long. The wedding is only three days, so you just have to endure it, eh? Anyway, it's a long time. After you get married, everyone will be yours..."

After being comforted, Gong Jue's mood improved a little. He took a deep breath and called: "Then I will ask Xiao Ning to come and meet us at the hotel, and we will set off together later."

Gu Qiqi's eyebrows were crooked: "Hey, by the way, is her scumbag uncle coming?"

Gong Jue did not answer, but tightened his hand on the phone. He frowned and listened for a while, then turned to Gu Qiqi and said, "They checked out of the hotel room this morning and the two of them left."

"Ah?" Gu Qiqi was extremely surprised.

Xiao Ning would not leave without saying hello. She knew that her and Jue's wedding was coming soon, and they had agreed to go there together that day.

Moreover, Xiao Ning also wants to be her bridesmaid!

How could he leave?

She was a little anxious: "Jue, call her cell phone! And Bai Yeyuan's cell phone! How can they leave... This is not normal!"

Gong Jue's eyes were solemn: "Their mobile phones are blocked."

Gu Qiqi's heart skipped a beat: "Did something happen? I seem a little uneasy."

Gong Jue stroked her long hair and comforted her: "Don't think blindly. They should be on the plane and the signal is blocked..."

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