Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2626: Qi Jue’s Wedding: Finale [3]

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To be honest, she, the bystander, also saw Bai Yeyuan's changes.

Apart from not letting Xiao Ning become a lawyer, Gu Qiqi really couldn't see how Bai Yeyuan had been a scumbag recently.

No, Bai Yeyuan personally accompanied him to watch this World Medical Competition.

According to this development trend, there should not be any fierce conflict between the two of them.

It's just that from a secular perspective, their relationship cannot be allowed to be exposed to the public.

Gu Qiqi sighed in her heart.

The last bit of worries and worries were slowly dispelled after Xiao Ning's text message was sent.

Okay, she replied: "I will come back to you in the imperial capital after I finish the wedding. Anyway, the wedding is actually an explanation to the relatives. If you and him are in an emergency, there is no need to feel sorry or sorry. It really doesn't matter, Ning Ning. It’s the same thing when we get together again when we go back and give you wedding candies.”

After all, Xiao Ning did not become the bridesmaid in Gu Qiqi's wedding.

Instead, Yang Xiaolan and Wu Shijiu happily accompanied her and served as her bridesmaids.

In late autumn, the sun is still shining brightly on the independent island of Northern Europe.

All the flowers are in full bloom, as if announcing the arrival of a festival that attracts worldwide attention.

Gu Qiqi originally wanted to have a low-key wedding, with only relatives and friends attending.

As everyone knows, her and Gong Jue's status is so special that it would be difficult for their marriage to be kept low-key.

The hotels on the island were all occupied the day before their arrival.

In addition to relatives and friends with invitation letters, there are also heads of state and dignitaries from various countries who come uninvited. Any country that wants to have good relations with the empire will come in person without giving face.

After all, in today's empire, there are two people, Gongjue and Gongsheng, one is the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, and the other is the president of the empire. It can be said that the two brothers of the Gong family have propped up a country.

Who dares not to come to the palace wedding?

Even if you are not invited, you will come.

In addition to these leaders, there were also some unexpected guests. The witch doctor clan sent several important elders here, which made Wu Jiujiu a little nervous, fearing that she would be caught back and punished for wandering around for so many years.

However, seeing the elders of the witch doctor clan being so respectful and kind to Gu Qiqi, her heart dropped to her stomach.

In today's world, even the Palace Master of the Medicine Palace has given in to Gu Qiqi. What organization dares to disrespect Gu Qiqi? Attack the people around her?

Thinking of this, Wu Shijiu couldn't help but get a little closer to Gu Qiqi, like a little tail, clinging tightly to Gu Qiqi's back, asking for protection.

Beigong Mingtian's face turned green when he saw it among the groomsmen.

This damn woman would sleep with him at every turn, but deep down in her heart, she still couldn't forget Mr. Ye, right?

He simply didn't take his dignity as a man seriously.

When he thought of what Wu Shijiu said that day, "When I sleep with you, I have to think about Mr. Ye's face so that I can sleep." He wanted to vomit blood.

"Hmph, it seems that I need to sleep with you more in the future to let you know how powerful I am, so that you can clearly distinguish me from Mr. Ye!" Bei Gong Mingtian swore silently in his heart.

However, when he saw Gu Qiqi's bridal appearance, his heart trembled after all.

really beautiful.

Such a beautiful woman once fascinated him. He would rather have no status but still stay by her side to protect her. He would rather accept other men's children as his own and be happy to raise her... But now, after all, he still married her. The palace prince.

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