Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2631 Qi Jue’s Wedding: Finale of the Main Text [8]

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Listening to Bei Gonglie's explanation, Gu Qiqi's eyes became even redder.

What a deep love it takes to give her the best thing like Bei Gonglie did, but pretend that he has relieved his burden.

How could she not understand that Bei Gonglie said this deliberately because he didn't want her to have any psychological burden.

Poor parents in the world, she finally understood at this moment.

"Dad, thank you!" She hugged him gently.

Bei Gonglie's body trembled.

The word "Dad" made him burst into tears instantly.

The twenty years lost were perfectly compensated by this crisp call.

He is so happy, he has such a good daughter, and he has found such a good daughter!

Not to mention a small throne, even if it cost his life, he would not hesitate to give it to him!

"Good good daughter...I'm sorry for you, daddy..."

He choked up several times and couldn't speak.

"Ahem!" The palace prince next to him coughed lightly, "Today is a happy day, let's change the topic."

Bei Gonglie then stopped choking and turned to Gong Jue: "As a father, I don't ask your son-in-law to do anything, but there is one thing. You must not let her shed tears. Can you do it?"

Gong Jue's eyes moved, he glanced at Gu Qiqi, and replied in a deep voice: "I will make her the happiest woman in the world, so happy that she will cry."

Gu Qiqi: "..."

It's hopeless, this man just can't chat and can chat to death!


Bei Gong Lie also knew Gong Jue's character very well, so he didn't care too much about it and just nodded: "Just remember, we Qiqi also have a family member."

As he said that, he turned to Qiqi: "If you have a bad day, just come back to your parents, okay? We in country H also have many good sons and daughters..."

Gu Qiqi raised her forehead: "Dad..."

Gong Jue's face was dark: "..."

Old father-in-law, I will not give you this opportunity!

Didn’t you just give Qiqi a queen? I even asked her to be the queen of Independence Island.

Who is more powerful, the Queen or the Queen? Huh, no need to say that.

You can't beat my old father-in-law!

Of course I will pamper my woman!

Do you understand if you pamper her until she cries with happiness? Women cry when they are happiest. I am not wrong.

Gong Jue swore silently in his heart, and then calmly, while Bei Gong Lie was staring at Gu Qiqi, he quickly snatched Gu Qiqi's little hand from him and held it tightly!

The emcee couldn't help but laugh and announced with a smile: "Now our Prince Beigong has handed over the bride to the groom. Next, let the bride and groom take oaths and exchange rings!"

Although the wedding procedures are all the same.

Gu Qiqi has also attended other people's weddings.

However, when it was actually my turn to stand on the stage and face to face with my man, I realized how exciting and sacred this feeling was.

The audience was silent and could hear the needle drop.

Just listen to Gong Jue's steady and powerful voice, slowly ringing out: "I am willing to hand over my life to my wife Bei Gong Qiqi, no matter whether she is poor, rich or noble, beautiful or old, healthy or sick... I, Gong Jue, swear that I will never leave her. Give up, always pamper her, love her, and hold the best of everything in the world in front of her..."

Everyone in the audience burst into tears.

The oath sworn by the Lord is different from the usual oath, but it sounds more touching.

There is no doubt that it is true love.

Applause resounded like thunder throughout the auditorium.

No one noticed that a man wearing a sky blue gown was slowly walking in from outside the auditorium.

His pace was slow, as if he was recovering from a serious illness.

He wore an antique black top hat on his head, covering his narrow red eyes. His whole person was elegant and gentle, exuding a faint medicinal fragrance.

He folded his hands and stood quietly by the carved door at the entrance of the auditorium. He raised his eyes slightly and stared deeply at Gu Qiqi, who was wearing a wedding dress.

"Qiqi, I'm back..."

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