Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2634 Their love is destined to become a legend [Main text finale]

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Gu Qiqi never expected that her bridal chamber would begin with "beating a turtle"...

The little dirty turtle didn't know which pill she took wrongly, so she kept urging her to refine the color points according to the "Purple Level Exercise Book" all night.

Gu Qiqi couldn't bear it anymore, so she grabbed its little head and gave it a few hard slaps: "Don't mention this matter again!"

She would rather give up the purple level than become the kind of woman who pesters Gong Jue for it every night.

It feels so gross just thinking about it.

The little dirty turtle sighed.

Master Yin, Master Yin, success in reaching the pinnacle of cultivation is imminent. You will regret it if you fall short.

He didn't give up.

Secretly crawling towards Gong Jue, trying to remind Gong Jue to help Gu Qiqi "practice" every night, otherwise Gu Qiqi will regress in the blue level.

This blue level is very important, it would be a pity for the master to give up.


Before it even touched the hem of Gong Jue's clothes, Gu Qiqi pulled him back fiercely, grabbed his tail and beat him again: "You have grown up, have you gone to seek refuge with a man? Huh? Betrayed. I?"

The little dirty turtle surrendered: "Master Yin is wronged, I am looking for a bed partner for you... cough cough!"

Gu Qiqi was angry: "Don't go!"

The little dirty turtle was aggrieved: "Master Yin, you promised me that when Sex Point makes enough money, you will help me realize my wish..."

Seeing his sad little face, Gu Qiqi couldn't help but soften a little when she thought of his constant companionship over the years: "Whatever wish you wish for, I can help you realize it now."

The little dirty turtle's eyes immediately lit up: "No, Master Silver, you can only do it if you reach the purple level."

Gu Qiqi frowned: "Isn't it just that you want some sex, then I'll give you everything I have now."

She has always been generous to those around her.

But the little dirty turtle shook his head louder than a rattle: "No, no, no, Master Silver, what I want is an ability you can achieve at the purple level."

Gu Qiqi: "What ability?"

Little Dirty Turtle: "Transform."

Gu Qiqi: "What do you mean?"

Little Dirty Turtle: "You can just change me back to the graceful and graceful person I should be... Otherwise, if I am like this now, I won't even be able to find a girlfriend, and I will be very lonely..."

Gu Qiqi: "..."

Doesn't even a turtle want to fall in love now?

She didn't want to talk to it, but seeing its aggrieved look and thinking that she was married and happy, she couldn't let her pet remain single. Gu Qiqi softened her heart a little: "Okay, I'll try my best to challenge it." Purple level.”

The little dirty turtle screamed in his heart, wishing he could send Gu Qiqi and Gong Jue into the bridal chamber right now.

"What are you talking to your turtle about?"

Suddenly, Gong Jue came over with a wine glass, and they had already finished serving the guests at the last table.

Gu Qiqi glanced at Gong Jue and thought about how she would have to do it every night in order to reach the purple level in the future... She was only two years old.

Suddenly I really want to regret it!

"There's nothing to talk about...I'm a little sleepy..." Gu Qiqi muttered.

Gong Jue put down the wine glass and picked her up directly.

The long wedding dress touches the floor and looks beautiful instantly.

"Hey, Lord Gong, what are you doing?"

"Go to the bridal chamber."

"Hey, the guest is still here."

"What does it have to do with them?"

"But... this is our wedding, wouldn't it be appropriate for us to leave in the middle of the wedding?"

"It's appropriate. I have the final say in my wedding!"

"Well...don't kiss me in front of so many people...well..."

Gu Qiqi suddenly felt that she had thought too much.

After she married Gong Jue, there was no need for her to pester Gong Jue. Gong Jue would definitely find ways to pester her every day to do things reasonably and legally!

So, should she take the purple level half-heartedly?

While she was thinking in a daze, Gong Jue quickly carried her upstairs and rolled her on the big bed...

The night has just begun.

Happiness is still very long...!

And their happiness is destined to become a legend in this world.

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