Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2665 Bai Yeyuan is alive? !

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However, signing is not that easy.

When Yoruichi handed her a stack of countless documents.

She opened a book and looked at it carefully.

Watched for ten minutes.

Ye Yi reminded weakly: "President, are you taking a rest..."

Xiao Ning frowned: "I'm looking at the documents."

She is working very seriously, okay?

At least she still needs this job to earn future living expenses for her baby.

Can we not pay serious attention to it?

Yoruichi: "But, CEO, you took it backwards..."

Xiao Ning: "..."

Damn it, no wonder I can’t understand this chart!

Okay, I still can't understand it.

Xiao Ning signed the book impatiently and prepared to read the next book.

Ye Yi reminded weakly: "President, you signed in the wrong place. That's where the chief engineer signed..."

Xiao Ning: "..."

If you don't tell me, how do I know where to sign? !

After this time, before Xiao Ning started writing, he would ask Ye Yi: "Sign here?"

Fortunately, there is no such low-level mistake of getting the signature in the wrong position anymore.

However, new problems soon came.

It’s the turn of a thick stack of financial statements.

The densely packed numbers are simply like a heavenly book, a heavenly book that cannot be read by humans at all.

But Ye Yi was still muttering next to him: "President, in the weekly group financial statements, you can spot key problems and errors with sharp eyes, and then point them out for the monkeys to correct them and control the development direction of the group. You know Well, during the three days you were in coma, those monkey grandsons were easily broken. I thought you would rest for a long time this time. I think they are not so serious about making reports. This time you must beat them hard and don't let them. I was so proud that I forgot my last name!"

Xiao Ning: "..."

what? Can't you just take a look at this broken report?

You actually have to summarize and analyze and find mistakes and omissions?

Bai Yeyuan, you are a great CEO, why do you do so many things?

She suddenly felt that there was nothing to envy about being a big CEO.

The workload is almost 10,000 times that of ordinary employees.

Not only did she have to make decisions, but she also had to check and supervise the work of her subordinates. She felt so exhausted.

Looking back now, how did Bai Yeyuan still have the energy to do such embarrassing things with her all night long after dealing with such a heavy workload in the company?

If it were her, she would be exhausted just from working.

Why is this man so energetic? ? ?

"President, are you listening to me?" Ye Yi reminded timidly, "These documents were just accumulated in the past few days. I haven't asked the secretary to bring today's documents..."


It's not over yet?


Xiao Ning scratched her hair irritably: "You go down first.

I'll see for myself! "

"Oh." Yoichi stepped back knowingly.

Xiao Ning looked at the financial statements that were like a book from heaven and a thick pile of endless documents, and felt that her whole life was about to be handed over to Bai Yeyuan's shabby work.

For some reason, for a moment she actually preferred Bai Yeyuan to live.

Even though he is so damnable.

But she still misses him when he comes back.

She must be crazy.

"No, no, no, I just want him to come back and work! Work!" Xiao Ning comforted herself, she was definitely not a bitch, and she wanted the big devil to come back and torture her.

Xiao Ning held the report and read it for more than ten minutes. Her eyes gradually became blurry and had no focus.

Her last thought was: In the past, my baby would only fall asleep as soon as he touched a book when he was reviewing for the final exam. Now I can actually fall asleep while looking at the report... Well, if I have insomnia in the future, I won't have to worry about free medicine...

Just when she was sleeping soundly, dreaming that the millet grains were born, she hugged the millet grains and smiled like a fool.

Suddenly, an urgent call came from my ears: "President! Miss Ning Ning - wake up!"

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