Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2668: Does that... hurt?

Xiao Ning believes that there is no more shameless man in the world than Bai Yeyuan.

It's downright shameless.

Even if he changed his pure body and face, he couldn't make Bai Yeyuan's thoughts pure.

This man actually had the nerve to teach her how to pee as a man.

He also touched her directly without restraint.

Damn, he's always going to be a hooligan whenever we meet.

Xiao Ning became anxious, freed up her hands and pushed him.

When he couldn't push it away, she grabbed his hand and pulled it out with all her strength.


She heard the sound of bones cracking.

My heart trembled violently.

Damn, that's her body.

Damn Bai Yeyuan, he deliberately led her to destroy his body.


Xiao Ning reluctantly let go.

But Bai Yeyuan was already breaking out in a cold sweat.

Xiao Ning just moved his fractured area.

That night, the moment Xiao Ning fell from the building, he wanted to jump down after her.

But she was struck by a bolt of lightning in the storm, and inexplicably, her entire soul penetrated her petite body.

When he woke up from being comatose in her body for four days and three nights, it was difficult for him to accept this embarrassing reality.

As soon as he woke up he wanted to find her.

However, it was discovered that Xiao Ning's frail body had suffered multiple fractures from jumping off the building.

He shouldn't have left the bed and moved around.

However, when he saw Ye Yi moving her around and helping her sit down, with their bodies in such close contact, he was extremely unhappy.

When he heard her careless words about "raising a baby together", she didn't care about him at all. All he knew in his mind was that the baby was too long and too short. He couldn't bear it anymore. He didn't care about the injury, so he pushed her down when he bounced up. On the hospital bed

At this moment, Xiao Ning opened the fractured wound again. He endured the pain without making a sound.

Dead woman, murdering her husband

See how I kill you from now on

Xiao Ning was also a little dazed, and said for a long time, "Does it hurt?"

Bai Yeyuan rolled his eyes, "Let me poke you, will it hurt you?"

Xiao Ning ""

Can this be the same?

Besides, she didn't mean it just now. Wasn't it because he wanted to play tricks and touch that that she would fight back?

Wait, why does Bai Yeyuan love to roll his eyes so much?

She looked at Bai Yeyuan speechlessly, rolling her eyes with her small face and big eyes. She really wanted to slap her and tell her not to ruin her face like this.

After thinking about it, I still held back.

It's not worthwhile to slap yourself. It's better to go back to your ward later and slap Bai Yeyuan in the face.

No, it seems that it hurts me too.


However, before she could bear it for a few seconds, a certain man once again challenged her bottom line.

Bai Yeyuan let go of her, lay on the hospital bed, looked up and down her body, and said in a lazy tone, "You hurt me just now, I don't care about you, just let me poke you a few times and I'll let you go." "

Xiao Ning didn't react at first, "It's up to you if you're bored."

After a while, she realized it and glared at him angrily, "What are you talking about, you are shameless?"

He said poke

Could it be a "poke" for doing that shameful thing?

Damn, shameless

Bai Yeyuan looked innocent and rogue, "It doesn't matter. If you don't agree, I can do it myself."

He curled his lips and smiled, stretched out a long finger, lifted up the hospital gown and lowered it, "Anyway, your body is in my hands, I can move it however I want."

Xiao Ning glared ""

For the first time, she had the urge to strangle herself.

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