Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2673: Woman, come to me, any conditions you want!

Qiu Xinxin was dumbfounded and said "Ah"

At first, because she was not very proficient in accounting, she could only find a front desk job that had nothing to do with her major. Now, there is a man with a discerning eye who is willing to hire her as a financial assistant.

Xiao Ning smiled, "Don't be nervous, you can come one day a week. The work task is also very simple, just help me read the report, it will not affect your normal work and life."

Qiu Xinxin's eyes widened and she said stupidly "I"

She couldn't believe that such a big pie fell from the sky.

Although she is silly and sweet, she is not stupid and brainless.

She knew very well that her financial knowledge was not very professional, and it was very problematic to be qualified for this job.

As long as a cold and dignified CEO like my uncle is willing to spend money, he can't hire any professional, so why would he hire her to work?

Could it be

Her mind suddenly became clear.

Could it be that like what is written in the novel, my uncle fell in love with her stupidity and sweetness, and wanted to keep her prisoner by his side, treating her like this, um, um, um, um, etc.

Qiu Xinxin was ashamed and embarrassed for a moment, and she didn't dare to raise her head and meet "Bai Yeyuan's" eyes.

Seeing that she didn't answer for a long time, Xiao Ning added with a faint smile, "Are you worried that the part-time salary is not worth it?"

It's not that she couldn't tell that Qiu Xinxin didn't have confidence.

But she doesn’t need professional helpers, she just needs people she can trust.

The point is, Qiu Xinxin doesn't need to show her many financial problems. As long as she can see one or two mistakes, she can pretend to be awesome and point them out at the board meeting, and then stop. Just throw the report on their heads, scold them, and let them find other errors on their own.

She had already thought about how to deal with the people on the board of directors.

Therefore, Xiao Ning is sure that Qiu Xixin is qualified for the job, "Don't worry, the salary is whatever you want, as long as you are willing to help me."

Qiu Xin felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

She was even more convinced that this uncle was the kind of domineering CEO in the novel.

Woman, come to me, any conditions you want.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this kind of extremely refreshing situation actually happened to her Qiu Xinxin one day. It was so dreamy.

Qiu Xin was shy, pursed her lips, and was about to say yes.


The door to the ward was suddenly kicked open with a "bang"

"A lonely man and a widow, what do you want to do behind closed doors?"

At the door, Xiao Ning's body, where Bai Yeyuan's soul lives, stood coldly at the door, his tone indescribably angry.

Behind him was Ye Yi, who was feeling guilty. He opened his mouth and pointed at Bai Yeyuan's body, which was holding Xiao Ning's soul. He gestured to the CEO, "The little lady has to come in. It's not that I won't stop you. It's because the little lady is too domineering and I don't want to." I can't do anything to a female patient, don't you? Don't blame me

Xiao Ning frowned.

She didn't understand what Bai Yeyuan meant when he kicked in the door.

She was so angry before that she wanted to discuss with Bai Yeyuan how to deal with the financial statement analysis, but Bai Yeyuan was weird and uncooperative.

It's better now. She hired someone to do it herself, but he wasn't happy about it.

Why are you so crazy with your own body?

Isn't it broken?

Can you lie down well?

Don't make fun of her delicate little body, okay?

She was about to scold Bai Yeyuan.

Qiu Xixin spoke first.

Qiu Xinxin faced Xiao Ning who broke in and said with tears in her eyes

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