Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2682: I thought my uncle was here to find me

Xiao Ning stepped into the Universe Law Firm in a carefree manner.

Qiu Xinxin at the front desk was listlessly thinking about what happened last night. She didn't even raise her head and muttered blearily, "Who are you looking for? Have you made an appointment?"

Xiao Ning half-smiled, "Looking for you, Miss Qiu Xinxin."

Qiu Xinxin was excited and couldn't hide the excitement in her eyes, "Little uncle"

Xiao Ning pressed her slender index finger to her lips and said "Shhh"

Qiu Xinxin pursed her lips and nodded vigorously, "I understand, I understand Mr. Xiaobai."

Xiao Ning asked in a low voice, "I'm sorry for you last night. Ning Ning was in a bad mood. She didn't mean it. You are her friend and you won't blame her, okay."

How could Qiu Xinxin still be angry when such a handsome guy apologized and asked her for forgiveness so gently?

She shook her head violently, "No, no, why would I blame Ning Ning? It's all my fault. I didn't ask her in advance. She always keeps a low profile in the law firm and doesn't like others talking about her family affairs, but suddenly I She must be unhappy appearing in front of her family, and I understand her."

Xiao Ning smiled and said, "Be careful, you are such a sensible girl."

Qiu Xinxin blushed at the praise and lowered her bright eyes.

Just as she was thinking about how to chat with Bai Yeyuan, Bai Yeyuan suddenly asked, "Is Mu Tianyu here?"

Qiu Xinxin was slightly disappointed, "Are you looking for Boss Mu? He hasn't been here recently. It seems something happened at home and he hasn't come to work."

Xiao Ning understood in her heart that Mu Tianyu was physically injured by a gangster some time ago, and he offended others and was injured even more. In addition, the breakup of the engagement should also have an impact on him, so he was still recuperating at home.

She nodded, "What about An Wanru, lawyer?"

Qiu Xinxin: "Lawyer An's office is on the second floor. I'll show you the way."

Xiao Ning smiled politely, "No need. You go about your business, I'll just go by myself."

Qiu Xinxin pursed her lips, "Okay."

It turns out that my uncle went to see Lawyer An and had nothing to do with him.

Alas, I thought I was special in my uncle's heart. He made a special trip to see me, woo hoo

Just when Qiu Xinxin's girlish heart was shattered, Xiao Ning suddenly paused and turned around and asked, "Be careful, what is the case you put on the table? I see you drew a lot of mushrooms on it."

Qiu Xinxin was startled and hurriedly covered the little mushrooms.

She explained awkwardly, "No, no one is too lazy to take that case. Lawyer Niu Bin asked me to just follow the gourd painting and get a document for him. I can't draw, so I accidentally drew a mushroom."

It was an inconspicuous legal aid case, in which a death row inmate commissioned a law firm to write an appeal.

This kind of entrustment is done through legal aid channels, so there is no reward at all.

And because he is a death row inmate, the evidence and witnesses in the death sentence are complete, the charges are accurate, the sentence is legal, and the chance of overturning the verdict on appeal is slim, so everyone feels that this kind of case is meaningless at all.

Niu Bin threw it to Qiu Xinxin, but was too lazy to type. He gave Qiu Xinxin an appeal form for other cases, so that Qiu Xinxin could still get involved in the name-changing incident, even if it was to give an explanation to the legal aid organization.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Ning saw it at a glance.

Xiao Ning raised her lips and smiled, "Be careful. If you have any difficulties, remember to come to me."

After saying that, he stepped into the elevator with his long legs.

That free and uninhibited temperament is simply natural.

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