Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2686: The stinky man who doesn’t know what’s good or bad

After hesitating for a long time, Xiao Ning slowly came back to her senses.

She glanced at the agreement, then at Bai Yeyuan, and suddenly said, "I'll help you with this job, then you have to help me with another job."

Bai Yeyuan said impatiently, "What kind of job can you have?"

Xiao Ning: "Yes. For a case I had at a law firm, I needed to go back and check the information and draft a summary statement."

Sure enough, when he heard the word "law firm", Bai Yeyuan's face turned pale.

"Xiao Ning, you have been kicked in the head by a donkey. Do you think I will go to Mu Tianyu's company? Don't mention this to me a second time."

He was fierce.

Xiao Ning pursed her lips, instinctively afraid of him.

But when she thought about the big case that consumed her efforts, Zhu Qianqian was about to screw it up, and she was unwilling to give in. She moved her lips and mustered up the courage, "If you don't go to the law firm to help me finish the case summary statement, I won't sign it." This equity transfer agreement hums"

Bai Yeyuan was furious ""

This little idiot wasn't kicked by a donkey. He turned into a stupid donkey.

He gave her money for free, and she was still negotiating terms with him.

He really wanted to fuck her to death.

It's a pity that the body is not his now and he can't do it.

I was sulking for a while.

Bai Yeyuan stared at Xiao Ning who was opposite him as if nothing had happened and "signed"

Xiao Ning: "Then you agreed to go to the law firm"

Bai Yeyuan gritted his teeth, "Yeah."

Xiao Ning cheered, "Keep your word, don't cheat."

Bai Yeyuan rolled his eyes, snorted and ignored her.

Xiao Ning also knew that this man did not make promises easily, so since he had agreed, there should be no reason to regret it.

She happily signed the transfer of equity.

Then he pulled Bai Yeyuan to tell him about the case, "Let me tell you, this case is very complicated. There are hundreds or even thousands of victims alone, spanning decades, so you must pay attention to classification and analysis in your summary statement. "Chronological Interpretation"

Bai Yeyuan waved his hand impatiently, "No need to tell you how complicated a case can be, I will handle it for you."

He can even win tens of billions of business projects, but he can still be stumped by a simple criminal case, thinking that his IQ is as stupid as hers

Xiao Ning ""

She hesitated to speak, and after thinking about it, forget it if the stinky man didn't listen.

Humph, it would be better to let a person like the Big Devil touch the wall, so as not to think that the whole world can revolve around him and that he can do everything with his awesomeness.

After a good discussion, both people got the results they wanted, and were speechless for a while.

Xiao Ning thought of Bai Yeyuan working hard to practice yoga for pregnant women early in the morning. It showed that he still cared about protecting the baby. Not only did his heart soften a little, she specially left him to eat, "Ye Yi will bring the food later, you and I will eat together." Bar"

who knows.

Bai Yeyuan rolled his eyes and refused her decisively, "You can eat it yourself. I have to go back and take a shower. You smell of some woman's broken perfume. It's so dirty."

Xiao Ning ""

A stinky man who knows no good or bad things

Wait, he needs to take a shower

"You, you, you, why are you taking a bath? You are not allowed to wash my body. Stop it." Xiao Ning realized that Bai Yeyuan was using her body now and faced the same dilemma as her.

He has to perform intimate actions such as going to the toilet, taking a shower, changing clothes and taking off clothes several times a day.

God, she'd never thought about this before.

Now that Bai Yeyuan said it so directly, it suddenly felt very difficult to accept.

He would definitely move his hands around her body and dig and poke her.

Bai Yeyuan curled his lips and walked out of the ward happily.

If you don’t wash it, you won’t wash it.

You know, after the body swap, he was very depressed.

The most pleasant time is only when you take a shower every day.

When he fucked her in the past, he didn't watch her so carefully, because he must have been so excited that he just wanted to fuck her quickly, and he didn't have the time to carefully caress her inch by inch.

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