Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2692: How big is the size of a dead woman? !

It took Bai Yeyuan less than a day to understand the extremely complex case that spanned decades, and he wrote a 10,000-word summary of the case eloquently.

While reading the case file, he was refreshing his understanding of Xiao Ning.

Unexpectedly, the little thing actually did something in the law firm.

I really can't imagine that a delicate little girl like her would have the courage to confront a sinister and sinister old man like the Vice President.

When Bai Yeyuan left the law firm, Qiu Xinxin chased him out and gave him an invitation: "Ning Ning, the Mid-Autumn Festival will be in a few days. The company is holding a Mid-Autumn Festival annual party. We have rented several villas and booked many programs. It’s fun, do you have time to come?”

Bai Yeyuan said coldly and dismissively, "Not interested"

As the CEO of Bai's, I have participated in countless annual meetings of Bai's. Which annual meeting can't be arranged to kill such a small company instantly? Haha

It's really a joke to say anything funny in front of him.

Qiu Xin felt so disappointed that she continued to ask, "Ning Ning, this annual meeting is really different. Didn't you say before that you have never seen a striptease show? It's a pity. Isn't it true that there is one at this annual meeting? And I heard that It is the most famous men’s dance troupe in the imperial capital. It would be a shame not to see the most popular male dancer perform.”

Bai Yeyuan's eyebrows were filled with anger. ""


The little thing actually said publicly before that he likes to watch that kind of dance

Is her butt itchy and in need of a spanking?

If you want to see a man, go back at night and let her see as much as you can

Qiu Xinxin saw "Xiao Ning" being silent, thinking that she was tempted, so she quickly picked up the topic and continued talking enthusiastically.

"Ningning, let me tell you secretly, I saw their promotional brochure. The male star knows a lot of difficult moves, and there is also a particularly exciting part, which is when tipping is given at the end. Okay Open his pants, pants, and put the banknotes in."

Qiu Xinxin and Xiao Ning have a good relationship, so they won't shy away from saying these things.

Little did I know.

What was in front of her at this moment was not Xiao Ning at all, but Bai Yeyuan's soul.

Bai Yeyuan's face turned green when he heard this

Damn, these little girls usually chat on such a large scale in private.

If the little guy hangs out with them, he must be a bad learner.

If his body and soul hadn't been exchanged with hers, wouldn't she be waiting eagerly to attend that silver and chaotic annual party to provoke the wild man?

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

Bai Yeyuan was furious.

"If you don't go, I will have severed ties with your law firm long ago. We have no relationship at all."

He made up his mind that he would never agree to Xiao Ning coming to this corrupt law firm in the future.

He was extremely lucky now, how wise he had been in choosing a job in the archives for her.

The simple working environment of a file room is more than 10,000 times better than a complex dyeing vat like a law firm.

Being rejected by "Xiao Ning" again, Qiu Xinxin's face was extremely sad.

She squeezed her little hands and suddenly remembered that she bumped into Cai Qiuwen near the tea room today. She wondered if it was Cai Qiuwen who had a dirty mouth that made Ningning feel bad.

She quickly comforted "Xiao Ning" "Ning Ning, don't say that. I think you will come back one day, and everyone except Cai Qiuwen, that annoying guy, likes you very much. By the way, this invitation, Minister Zhu issued it to you personally, saying that although he is gone, our company still misses the old friendship and old employees can come. Just feel free to participate, okay?"

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