Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2694 The CEO’s IQ crushes

Bai Yeyuan said confidently, "What I do is what I do. I am dedicated and focused. I won't provoke the opposite sex that I shouldn't. Of course it's perfect."

Xiao Ning ""

Damn, I can't even refute him.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that he really has no contact with the opposite sex at work. Even his secretaries, assistants and bodyguards are all men.


Wait, what does he mean?

It's like she spends her time provoking men all day long when she's working

She didn't

"Hey Bai Yeyuan, please make it clear that when I work, it's just work. Don't slander me."

"Go away. I need to take a shower."

"Bai Yeyuan, you just took a shower last night. Why did you take a shower? You are not allowed to take a shower. That is my body."

"Now I have the final say"

"I don't agree with my body, and you are not allowed to touch it under the pretext of taking a shower."

"You can touch it back if you want. My body is with you anyway. You are authorized to touch it as you like."

"You are shameless"

The quarrel ended in Xiao Ning's defeat.

There's no way she can't be as shameless as Bai Yeyuan.

Xiao Ning ran to the gym angrily and took a two-hour boxing class, which severely tortured Bai Yeyuan's body.

Except for the fact that Bai Yeyuan liked to touch her body, the two of them got along well in the next few days.

Something happened during this period that made Xiao Ning a little depressed.

Bai Yeyuan's 10,000-word case summary statement was submitted to the Fengyun Awards organizing committee with the help of An Wanru, and it was passed in one go.

Not a word has been changed

The case successfully returned to the stage of competition for the Fengyun Award.

The opportunity that was almost ruined by Zhu Qianqian was finally won back.

When Xiao Ning received the news, she was shocked.

Could it be that in this world, there really is such a situation as crushing by IQ?

Bai Yeyuan, a businessman, could actually have such a terrifying influence across borders in the legal world.

In just one day, he fell into the role.

And it took her several months to do it.

Thinking about it, I suddenly felt very depressed.

His and her IQs were, as he said, worlds apart.


This highly intelligent person is a traitor and a businessman.


Time flies and it’s the weekend.

Qiu Xinxin came to Xiao Ning as usual and showed her the financial statements.

Because Xiao Ning taught the monkeys in the finance department a lesson last week, this week's financial statements were much neater and more beautiful.

Qiu Xinxin checked it carefully three times and found no mistakes. She said a little embarrassedly, "Uncle, I can't find any mistakes."

Xiao Ning smiled slightly and handed over coffee and exquisite snacks, "It's okay.

Yes it's better. Come and take a break. "

Qiu Xinxin was deeply moved to see "Bai Yeyuan" being so kind and kind.

The CEO is so gentle, he is completely her ideal type

She relaxed a little, then suddenly thought of something, she took out a file from her bag and said, "Uncle, last time you said that if I have any difficulties, I can come to you. I don't know if that's too abrupt. I'm thinking about this case." I don’t know how to write an appeal for a week, but lawyer Niu Bin said that if I can’t write it this weekend, he won’t vote for me next time I vote for promotion.”

Xiao Ning laughed secretly.

Unexpectedly, that fat guy Ushi Bin actually learned to threaten beautiful women.

It's outrageous.

She said patiently, "Bring me the case file and let me take a look."

Qiu's heart broke and she smiled, "Yeah, thank you, uncle."

Xiao Ning spent some time and carefully read the case from beginning to end.

This is a very simple homicide.

The evidence is conclusive, with complete witness statements and undocumented evidence.

The criminal was sentenced to death with a suspended execution, and now he is in prison and wants to appeal.

The only sad thing about this case is that the criminal had just turned 18 and was a girl.

The person she killed was her stepfather.

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