Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2696: Attacked by a man!

Bai Yeyuan looked at the men dancing around the pole on the stage with a cold look in his eyes.

What little things like to see are these crappy things.

Those men were not as handsome as he was, nor were they as strong as him.

He glanced at the men's trousers and sneered again.

You can tell at a glance that that thing is not as powerful as him.

He raised his chin proudly, with a domineering air that overcame others, and walked towards the excited crowd.

Obviously he didn't say a word, but wherever he went, everyone got out of the way.

Others quickly recognized it

"Yeah, that's Xiao Ningba, who worked at our law firm before. She also came to attend the annual meeting."

"I remember, I remember, during the few months she was an intern, she handled several big cases. Well, two of them won awards. One was a dog abuse case that won first place among the top ten public welfare cases. , one is that the Vice President's child trafficking case won the top ten criminal awards. And both cases were shortlisted for the Year of the Year Award."

"But it's such a pity. I heard that she has resigned. Niu Bin helped her accept the award application for the dog abuse case, and Zhu Qianqian took over the vice president's case. Even if she wins an award in the future, it will have nothing to do with her."

"Tsk, that's such a pity"

Bai Yeyuan didn't pay attention to these people's gossip, and he didn't feel sorry for Xiao Ning.

It's just a few solved cases, right?

What he can do in one day, these people can talk about it for a year, guys who have never seen the world.

He walked through the crowd and found a place to sit down.

Then, sip after sip of non-alcoholic lemonade.

It seemed like he was watching a show, but he seemed to be waiting for someone.

Qiu Xin was absent, and An Wan didn't come today, so he sat there for a long time and no one came up to talk to him.

He was not in a hurry, sitting there leisurely drinking water. He was not as enthusiastic about the performance on the stage as others. He didn't even watch much. No one could guess what he was doing.

after awhile.

There was a commotion at the door.

"The big boss is here"

"The big boss is here"

The employees on site were all excited.

They all rushed to the door to welcome the big boss' inspection.

Mu Tianyu hasn't been to the company for a long time.

He was attacked twice and was unlucky enough to stay in the hospital for a long time.

Tonight is the company's annual meeting, and as the big boss, he has to attend.

Therefore, when I walked in, my face was still a little pale, and I couldn't hide my tired and sick look.

He has always been elegant, and if he is whiter, he will have a more scholarly temperament. The colorful lights hanging high in the villa shine on his face, adding a bit of color to him, so it is not too white to be terrible.

The employees who shook hands with him were all flattered. They just thought that their big boss was so elegant, so approachable and handsome.


In the distance, Bai Yeyuan still said coldly, "Little pretty face"

Bai Yeyuan's complaints are not over yet.

Suddenly I felt a strong wind coming from behind me.

He turned slightly to one side, and a strong man's arm passed through his shoulder, almost grabbing his shoulder.

His face turned a little colder.

You know, what he is using now is Xiao Ning's body.

And in accordance with the rules for attending the annual meeting, she only wore a suspender skirt and a silver cashmere shawl draped over her shoulders.

If someone had just caught him and his cashmere shawl had slipped off, he would have been exposed.

He looked at the man behind him with an angry look on his face.

When he came to attend the annual meeting today, he knew that Zhu Qianqian must have made "arrangements" to deal with him.

However, when he glanced around just now, there were no male colleagues to strike up a conversation with, and even the drink lemonade tasted normal. He was guessing what methods the other party would use to deal with him.

But I didn't expect that it was actually

Taking advantage of the men dancing on stage

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