Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2715: Treating other men as idols, does the little thing want to die?

"Is that girl madly hostile to all visitors, or is she only hostile to specific people, such as women or men?" Fu Qingyun asked.

This question suddenly opened up Xiao Ning's thinking.

Her voice trembled slightly, her nerves were tense, and she was even a little excited. "Her crazy eyes are only for men."

After carefully recalling the scenes at that time, Xiao Ning was 100% sure of this conclusion.

Because Zhuo Xiaoying didn't pay attention to Qiu Xixin at all, but grabbed herself and Niu Bin, wanting to grab them from behind the explosion-proof glass window and break their necks.

She was so impressed that she silently complained at the time that she finally met the only woman in the world who was not fooled by Bai Yeyuan's handsome and noble appearance.

Fu Qingyun heard this and made a suggestion: "If she is only crazy about men, then I suggest you not to bring a male companion to visit the prison next time; secondly, when you investigate the case file, pay more attention to the men around her. I infer that this woman should be She has been greatly stimulated by men, so she loses control of her emotions when meeting men. Of course, I am just giving you an angle to enter the case. You have to find out the specific evidence and logical relationships yourself."

Xiao Ning couldn't help but shook his arm excitedly, "Inspector Fu, you are so amazing. You are simply my idol."

Fu Qingyun's long eyelashes twitched slightly.

His body could clearly feel Xiao Ning's little hand holding him.

Even though it was just holding his arm, it was enough to make him comfortable.

What's more, any able-bodied man should be fascinated by the words she spits out.

You are so awesome

you are my idol

This is enough to make a man feel excited.

He took a deep breath and managed to keep himself from losing control. He said slowly, "Given time, maybe you can understand more about me."

Xiao Ning didn't hear the man's implication.

She was preoccupied with Zhuo Xiaoying's case, and more importantly, she suddenly realized that there was a more important thing: her and Bai Yeyuan's bodies had been exchanged, and she didn't know if Qiu Xixin had been rescued.

Although rationally, she knew that the prison guards would control the situation and it would not help if she, a useless loser with no force value, went away, but emotionally it was still tugging at her heart, so she couldn't wait to go back and check on Qiu Xinxin.

Rubbing her hands, she considered her words and wanted to say goodbye to Fu Qingyun.

However, Fu Qingyun had already seen her thoughts in a second.

The man curled his lips helplessly, "Don't worry if you miss home, your clothes are being cleaned, disinfected and dried, and they will be delivered to you soon."

Xiao Ning simply admires this man.

How could he do it, be so gentleman and considerate?


Not long after, the staff returned her clean clothes. After she changed them, she said goodbye to Fu Qingyun.

Fu Qingyun repeatedly warned, "Next time there is danger, please contact me as soon as possible, okay"

Xiao Ning "Yeah"

He personally sent her out and back to Bai's house.

Fu Qingyun didn't drive away until her figure disappeared inside the iron gate of the Bai family.

Secretary Xiao Huang asked for instructions, "Sir, do you want to deal with those people in the bathroom today?"

Fu Qingyun said in a deep voice, "The Bai family has already gone to deal with it, you don't have to interfere."

After a pause, he added, "Today's office will be sealed in the future and no one else is allowed to use it again."

Secretary Huang "Yes"

I was silently curious in my heart, Sir, why did you lead Miss Ning Ning to such a small and small staff office on the ground floor to rest?

Why don't you go to the sir's own spacious and bright office with a large sea-view glass window?


As Xiao Ning went upstairs, she was worried about Qiu Xinxin's safety and hurried back to her room to call Niu Bin.

However, before he reached the door of the bedroom, he saw Bai Yeyuan sitting on the stairs in the dim light, the cigar in his hand was burning, and the fire flickered on and off.

Goodnight kiss from Lord Yun

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