Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2729 Bai Yeyuan’s wife is being married

Xiao Ning walked to the opposite side of Mrs. Bai and Xiao Zhijun and looked at the photos spread out on the table. Xiao Zhijun's words rang in her ears, "Sister, do you know whose photos these are? My grandma asked me to go to various major families to get them in person. They are of the right age." These photos of famous ladies are for my uncle’s blind date. Look at these little girls, are they beautiful? Do you want to come together to help my uncle with his advice?”

Mrs. Bai looked at the beautiful girls, her face relaxed, and she finally revealed a smile: "Not only are they beautiful, but most importantly, they are from a famous family. All of them are the apples of the family, and each of them has studied abroad. Yes, you need a good background and education. Only when a girl like this enters the door of our Bai family is she worthy of Ye Yuan and the position of the mistress of the family."

Xiao Ning's heart shrank, and she was inexplicably stung by Mrs. Bai's words.

It turns out that these photos were all used by Bai Yeyuan to find women.

One of these girls is very likely to be selected by the Bai family and marry Bai Yeyuan as his wife.

The wife that Ming Media is marrying.

These photos reminded her deeply of the identity gap between Bai Yeyuan and her, making her feel an endless chill that came over her mercilessly.

She raised her head, glanced at Xiao Zhijun, and found that he was also looking at her carefully, as if he wanted to get some clues from her expression.

Xiao Ning's heart was ringing with alarm bells.

She knows best what kind of virtue Xiao Zhijun is.

Isn't he trying so hard to please the old lady Bai just to grab the credit for being filial, obedient and sensible, and then to get some benefits to help him expand his business?

He must be eager to monopolize this kind of credit, so how could he kindly let him advise Bai Yeyuan's blind date for no reason?

In the flash of lightning, Xiao Ning suddenly understood

Xiao Zhijun was testing her.

Test her reaction to Bai Yeyuan's marriage.

This is used to infer her relationship with Bai Yeyuan.

Xiao Ning suddenly broke out in a cold sweat as she wanted to understand this level.

He almost fell into Xiao Zhijun's plan.

If she had accidentally shown her emotions of sadness, loss, grievance, and jealousy just now, then Xiao Zhijun, a villain who is good at observing words and emotions, would definitely have noticed something and seize the relationship between her and Bai Yeyuan.

The matter between Bai Yeyuan and her will be exposed.

No, you absolutely cannot fall into the trap.

Xiao Ning was silent for a moment, then suddenly smiled lightly: "The old lady has the best taste, so of course the old lady makes the best choice. I think these young ladies from aristocratic families are very powerful, but if they want to match my uncle, then naturally they have to choose the best one." , after all, our uncle is one of the best among the princes of the imperial capital."

The old lady likes to hear this.

Although she never wanted to see Xiao Ning, she couldn't help Xiao Ning praising her most beloved son, let alone Xiao Ning praising her for her good vision and the unequivocal decision-making power to choose her daughter-in-law. "If you want to find someone like us, It is impossible to find a daughter-in-law as outstanding as Jia Yeyuan. I have never seen such a woman in this world. However, you can still find a general among the dwarves."

If the family of the woman in these photos knew that the mother of the blind date commented on their daughter like this and compared their daughter to a "dwarf", they would be very angry.

Old Mrs. Bai didn't take it seriously and continued to pick and choose like cabbage. "I think this second girl from the Xiahou family is pretty good. She has a simple and obedient look on her face."

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