Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2797: His girlfriend died a tragic death

Friend 27, died a tragic death

Liu Ruyin gritted her teeth: "If you don't obey me, I will let you marry a physically disabled and inhumane old man!"

Choosing a son-in-law is the most important thing in a woman's life.

Doesn't she believe that Xiao Ning is not afraid of marrying poorly?

However, Bai Yeyuan gave her a cold look: "Okay, the old man died early, and I am very happy as a rich widow. Thank you in advance!"

Liu Ruyin was so choked that she could hardly breathe.

What kind of species is this Xiao Ning, and why does her thinking differ from that of ordinary women?

Are you not afraid of marrying an inhumane old man?

And thank her in turn?

It's really shameless!

Liu Ruyin suddenly became a little more wary: "Don't think that you can take advantage of your little uncle after becoming a widow. Let me tell you, he is not something you can imagine..."

Bai Yeyuan narrowed his eyes, and there was suddenly a hint of murderous intent in his eyes: "Who told you that I was planning on him? Keep your mouth shut. If I hear this from a third person, you won't survive. Dawn!"

Liu Ruyin shuddered!

She was really threatened!

very scary!

This little whore is so scary when she gets serious!

Could it be...that she had made a mistake?

Or is Xiao Ning, that little prostitute, guilty and afraid, not daring to let people know her thoughts about Bai Yeyuan, so she reacted so violently?

Or maybe Bai Yeyuan didn't allow her to say it?

Liu Ruyin suddenly thought of something, and seemed to have finally figured out what was going on, and murmured: "Yes, it's useless for you to try to trick him. He can't love you, he should hate you! Don't worry, Ye Yuan He is the man I want to marry. Of course I will not smear his reputation outside. But please be honest with me! Stay away from him! Don't let people spread the scandal of my niece shamelessly seducing her uncle! I can't I can't spare you! As long as you dare to show the slightest transgression to the outside world, for the sake of Ye Yuan's reputation, I will use all means to retaliate against you! Like today, you should not come to the shareholders' meeting and show your face.

Don’t come next time! "

Liu Ruyin said fiercely.

Xiao Ning pressed herself against the wall outside the bathroom, feeling her heart surge.

She thought silently, this Liu Ruyin looked like a white lotus, but she didn't expect that she was still a little sincere towards Bai Yeyuan. After guessing the scandal between Bai Yeyuan and her, she still wanted to help Bai Yeyuan cover it up, and fiercely He tried to keep silent for fear of ruining Bai Yeyuan's reputation.

Of course, on the other hand, Liu Ruyin is also very involved in the drama.

It seems that she has made up her mind to completely take over the man left behind by her sister.

When Xiao Ning heard this, she became more and more curious about who Liu Ruyin's sister was.

Why has she never heard of this person in the Bai family?

She couldn't remember what happened when she was a child, and she didn't remember that such a woman had ever been in the family, talking about getting married to Bai Yeyuan.

There are only rumors in the world that Bai Yeyuan once had a girlfriend who died.

The death was brutal.

Could it be that...that girlfriend back then was Liu Ruyin's sister?

Xiao Ning lowered her eyes and thought about it. She suddenly lost interest in eavesdropping and didn't want to hear Liu Ruyin's confession of her wholehearted love for Bai Yeyuan anymore. She quietly walked out of the bathroom.

After Xiao Ning left.

Bai Yeyuan glared at Liu Ruyin coldly, and dismissed her long confessions and warnings: "I'm sorry, I am Bai's major shareholder. It is natural for me to attend the shareholders' meeting today! Next time I will Naturally, I will continue to come. No one in the Bai family can stop me, let alone an outsider like you...what qualifications do you have to make irresponsible remarks?"

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