Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2801 Fu Qingyun admits his mistake! sweet!

Xiao Ning watched Bai Yeyuan pick out an exquisite dress and a particularly good-looking pair of shoes, and then went out with a low-key but expensive bag on her arm.

She curled her lips and said, hum, she is quite good at pretending to be an exquisite pig girl.

If Bai Yeyuan hadn't been dressed as a girl, she would have suspected that Bai Yeyuan had gone out to meet his lover.

But, then I thought about it, this exquisite pig girl costume can also be used to meet girls.

Maybe today is a special day?

His ex-girlfriend’s birthday?

Even...death anniversary?

After Bai Yeyuan went out.

Xiao Ning tossed and turned on the bed, but finally couldn't help it, so she turned over and looked up information on the computer.

She entered "Bai Yeyuan's ex-girlfriend", "Bai Yeyuan's girlfriend", "Bai Yeyuan's woman", "Bai Yeyuan's fiancée"... There were hundreds or dozens of keywords after she thought about it. However, in the end, no information was found at all. .

Bai Yeyuan really controls network information, and he controls it so tightly!

Even the information about a mere ex-girlfriend was completely wiped out, and nothing could be found.

Xiao Ning paced in place for a long time.

Finally she thought of someone who could help her.

"Well... I remember that your prosecutor's office seems to have a very powerful surveillance system, right? Can you trace a person from many years ago? Well, I'm just curious to find out. I will never infringe on other people's privacy. , will not leak the secret, and that person is already dead... If, if it is inconvenient, don't worry about me, I just said this, and I don't have to find out..."

Xiao Ning carefully put forward her needs for fear of causing trouble to Fu Qingyun.

Little did I know.

Fu Qingyun has waited so long for her call that he is exhausted!

As long as she could take the initiative to call him once, he would already feel lucky, so how could he care about her request?

What's more, half a month ago, she beat him up hard at the observatory and ordered him never to come to her again, which had already broken his heart into pieces.

Now with this phone call, he felt like he was resurrected instantly!

His deep voice was filled with disbelief and uncontrollable emotion: "Ning Ning, you are finally willing to talk to me... I have always wanted to say sorry to you. I really didn't mean to offend you at the observatory that day. You. I promise, I won’t do it next time. I won’t impulsively touch you again without your permission..."

Xiao Ning was confused: "What are you talking about? Could it be..."

She suddenly remembered that, yes, the last time she and Fu Qingyun met and separated, it was when Bai Yeyuan and her exchanged bodies.

Oh my God, she almost forgot. Bai Yeyuan bumped into Fu Qingyun, which was like a spark hitting the earth!

She actually forgot such a terrible thing.

"Did I... hit you that day? Was it serious? I'm sorry, I should be the one to say sorry!" Xiao Ning asked tentatively, pinching herself several times.

Xiao Ning, Xiao Ning, you are so shameless.

It’s okay to forget about this matter, and now I’m still shamelessly begging for help from others.

I don’t know what my uncle did to Fu Qingyun that night, but I can figure it out just by thinking about it with my toes - it was definitely not a kind act!

Fu Qingyun smiled deeply, and the haze that had been weighing on his head for half a month was swept away. His tone was a bit free and cheerful: "It's nothing, you just had a little fight with me. I'm a big man, Can I still be beaten up by you? The problem is that I really deserve to be beaten, so I just admit my mistake. What did you say you wanted to investigate just now? Can I check it for you as an apology? "

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