Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2820: Lao Bai’s shopping desire is terrible!

Chapter 2822 Lao Bai’s shopping desire is terrible!

Xiao Ning was despised by Bai Yeyuan because of her poor prenatal education, and because she didn't sleep well last night holding him in her arms, she originally decided to stay away from him today and find an excuse to go out and have some fun, preferably staying up all night. This way I won't have to sleep with him or have him press my arms.

Unexpectedly, before he could find an excuse, Bai Yeyuan made the request first after breakfast.

"Today's prenatal check-up, you go with me."

His tone was not a discussion at all, but a direct order.

Xiao Ning said cruelly: "You can just go by yourself. Why am I a grown man going to do this?"

She took on the role very quickly.

Bai Yeyuan rolled his eyes: "Oh, the fourth month prenatal check-up is about Down syndrome screening. If you don't go with you for such an important check-up, do you want Bai Dabao to be born and not recognize you as his stepmother?"

Xiao Ning: "..."

It turned out to be so fast?

Have you already done mid-trimester Down syndrome screening to rule out high-risk factors for teratogenesis?

She suddenly felt like a scumbag, who didn't seem to care as much about the baby as Bai Yeyuan.

At least, Bai Yeyuan also downloaded an app on his mobile phone to remind him every day what the fetus will look like when it develops at this time, what nutritional supplements to take, what to pay attention to, and what to avoid...

But she was too casual.

She had no choice but to agree with guilt.


The prenatal check-up process was very fast. Because we went directly to Zhou Mi's private clinic, we received super VIP treatment all the way. The whole clinic was at their service and all the examinations were completed in one go.

It only takes two days to get the results.

Instead, after the prenatal checkup, Xiao Ning was dragged shopping by Bai Yeyuan until her legs almost broke.

She never knew that this cold-blooded man would love shopping so much after becoming pregnant.

Xiao Ning persuaded him earnestly: "Bai Yeyuan, you just bought almost half of the store's maternity underwear last week! It cost hundreds of thousands! Why do you still come to the underwear store?"

Bai Yeyuan: "Didn't you notice that my size has grown again? The size I bought last week is no longer suitable."

Xiao Ning vomited blood: "Then the size of the stroller and safety seat I bought with you last time will not change, right? Why are you buying a bunch of cars again?"

Bai Yeyuan: "The new model has anti-collision high-tech materials, and the safety performance has been improved tenfold. Of course I have to buy a new model! And I have many cars, and each one must be equipped with a baby safety seat to be safe."

This reason...

Xiao Ning almost knelt down.

However, seeing him happily choosing shoes for Xiaomili, she couldn't help complaining: "Bai Yeyuan, the shoes you bought for Xiaomili are enough for him to wear one pair every day until he reaches adulthood."

Bai Yeyuan: "Really? The heels of this brand are for ankle protection. We didn't buy them last time because we were too careless, so we have to collect a batch this time. After all, health is the most important thing, don't you understand this?"

Xiao Ning: "..."

But my child is not a centipede spirit!

Why do you need so many shoes?

After spending a whole day shopping for maternal and child products with Bai Yeyuan, Xiao Ning came to the conclusion that when a man is horny for shopping, he is ten thousand times more terrible than a woman.

When women buy things, they must at least be able to compare them, and finally choose the one they like or the one with the best value for money.

And what about men?

Especially for a man like Bai Yeyuan, he always buys ABCDs of different brands and models of the same product with a wave of his hand!


She was holding a thick stack of shopping lists and delivery invoices, and she felt that her arms were starting to hurt again...!

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