Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2827 She made it impossible for him to get married back then

Chapter 282 Unable to get married

Men like Bai Yeyuan have always had tenacious vitality.

He even survived the plane crash last time.

He won't get into trouble easily this time, right?

She doesn't allow anything to happen to him!

Xiao Ning's tone was so urgent and sharp that the two accompanying maids were startled and stammered in reply: "Little miss, you are talking about... the eldest young master?"

Xiao Ning was so anxious that she reached out and pinched their arms, shaking them constantly: "Tell me quickly! Hurry up!"

The maid was trembling: "The young master is in the intensive care unit of the hospital. We don't know the situation there..."

When Xiao Ning heard the words "intensive care unit", she felt a mixture of sadness and joy in her heart!

Sadly, no one dares to say whether a person who enters the intensive care unit will die or live in the next second.

Fortunately, at least he still has a chance to be saved!

Xiao Ning made a quick decision, got out of bed, picked up a cashmere coat, put it on her body and walked out.

This time it was the maid's turn to be anxious:

"Little miss, you must not leave the room. Before entering the operating room, the eldest master specifically told us to take good care of you and let you recuperate in the little red building..."

"Little miss, the old lady is very angry. If you go out and are seen by her, if she makes things difficult for you..."

"Little miss, please stay here. If there is any news from the hospital, the young master will definitely send someone to inform you..."

The maid's efforts to persuade her to stay did not stop Xiao Ning.

She was persistent and thinking only about Bai Yeyuan's condition.

No one can make her stay.

Therefore, she did not hear the maid's last hesitant advice: "Miss, I heard that there is already a woman taking care of the young master, so you don't need to go..."

Xiao Ning hurriedly left the little red building.

The autumn rain kept falling.

She didn't even bring an umbrella and ran to the parking lot through the water splashing on the ground.

When passing by the atrium of the mansion, I heard a cold scolding: "Sangmen Xing, stop right here!"

It's the old lady's voice!

The two maids were right, the old lady was coming to deal with her.

Xiao Ning kept walking and continued walking to the parking lot.

The old lady’s hair stood on end with anger.

The person standing next to her was Xiao Zhijun. Seeing this situation, it was a good opportunity to grab Xiao Ning's braid and give Xiao Ning a hard kick.

He quickly pretended to be powerful and put on a show: "Xiao Ning, are you deaf? Or are you deliberately ignoring the old lady? The old lady told you to stop, why don't you come here and say hello?"

Xiao Ning paused for a moment, then turned around and said politely: "I'm sorry, old lady, I have something urgent. I'll come back to say hello to you after I finish it!"

The old lady's face suddenly turned ugly.

What is more important than paying her respects?

This shameless stinky girl!

"I think you're taking the opportunity to go out and have fun! You've caused Ye Yuan to do this,

Why do not you go to hell? Ye Yuan hurts you in vain, you are a white-eyed wolf who eats everything. You will always bring disaster to Ye Yuan! Why don't you come here and accept the punishment of the family law! "The old lady became more and more excited as she talked, her heart was fluctuating, and she was obviously about to have a heart attack.

If it were normal, Xiao Ning would definitely be submissive, obey orders, and do what the old lady wants.

But this time, she somehow didn't want to do it.

She only wanted to see Bai Yeyuan as soon as possible and was not willing to stop for anyone.

She said calmly: "I'm sorry, old lady, I will tell you what punishment you have when I come back."

After that, he rushed into the rain without looking back and drove away.

The old lady almost couldn't breathe: "Shameless thing!"

Xiao Zhijun inquired gossipily: "Old madam, Xiao Ning, does she always hurt my uncle?"

The old lady snorted coldly: "If it weren't for her, Ye Yuan would have gotten married long ago! The Bai family would have blossomed long ago!"

A shameless vixen who knows how to seduce men at a young age!

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