Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2836: Avoid them and feed them dog food

Under the clear moonlight, Bai Yeyuan fell into a deep sleep.

His usually cold appearance was softened by the soft moonlight, and he was no longer as inhumane as usual.

Xiao Ning held her chin and looked at it for a while.

This man is really good-looking.

Even though he was injured in a car accident and many parts of his body have not yet healed and are still wrapped in bandages, it only adds to his wild handsomeness and does not diminish his charming temperament at all.

What a seductive devil!

Xiao Ning sighed with emotion.

The room was too quiet, and for a moment she had the illusion that this man belonged completely to her.

However, this illusion did not last long.

She knew she couldn't have him completely.

He was more than ten years older than her, and there was an experience in his life that she had not touched at all, and she had no involvement in his past.

Although I know it is all in the past, I still feel a little uncomfortable when I think about it.

What's more, the so-called past is now in front of us!

Who can guarantee that the "past" will not become the future?

In front of Xiao Ning's eyes, the silhouette of the frail woman with long hair that she saw in Bai Yeyuan's ward before she fell into coma suddenly appeared.

That's Liu Rushi.

Liu Rushi is back. Will there still be a place for her in his world?

He guarded her for seven days and seven nights, was it for her or for the baby in her belly?

Xiao Ning removed Bai Yeyuan's hand from her belly.

Then he put the quilt on Bai Yeyuan, and she got up from the hospital bed, put on her slippers and went to the ground.

Outside the corridor, Ye Yi stood on guard dutifully and was a little surprised when she saw Xiao Ning coming out: "Miss Ning Ning..."

Xiao Ning made a "shh" gesture: "I've been lying down for too long and my waist is sore. I'm going to come out for a walk."

Then, she suddenly thought of something and asked Ye Yi softly: "In the past few days, after uncle woke up, has Miss Liu come here every day? When does she usually come to visit?"

Ye Yi answered honestly: "Miss Rushi usually comes here early in the morning. No, she makes soup for the CEO every time..."

However, every time the CEO wouldn't take a sip, and she would be asked to go back even if she hadn't chatted for a few minutes.

These words were a bit hurtful, so Yoruichi couldn't bear it and didn't say them out loud.

After hearing this, Xiao Ning had no expression on her face, but nodded slowly: "I understand."

It seemed that from now on, she would avoid that girl in the morning.

She just noticed that her ward was connected to Bai Yeyuan's. If Liu Rushi came to visit Bai Yeyuan tomorrow morning, it would be too embarrassing to have a third party like her in the already connected ward. .

Yoruichi: "Miss Ning Ning, if you want to go out for a walk in the garden, can I accompany you? The hospital is crowded and not very safe."

Xiao Ning shook her head slightly: "No, I won't go far, and I will be careful. You don't have to follow me."

When Yoruichi saw that she was just pacing in the corridor and the risk was within the controllable range, he didn't insist and nodded.

Xiao Ning walked casually in the corridor. After walking a few times, she passed by the elevator and hesitated for a moment.

She wanted to be discharged from the hospital.

She didn't want to watch Bai Yeyuan and Liu Rushi spreading dog food to her early tomorrow morning.

However, there must be many people watching Bai Yeyuan in the hospital. She might have been "invited" back by Ye Yi before she even got off the elevator.

Just as I was thinking about it, the elevator suddenly opened with a "ding!"

A woman with short hair and a bright red face burst out in a hurry: "Give way! Hurry up and give way, I have something urgent and can't delay!"

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