Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2845 Bai Yeyuan hasn’t come back yet

Xiao÷shuo◎网 】, ♦Xiao÷shuo◎.com 】,

It was only then that Xiao Ning took a closer look at the man who scolded her.

The man is of medium height, with short hair as messy as straw, and his clothes are very shabby. The key is that they are shabby, but they are still the same middle school uniforms from twenty years ago, a dark blue suit with a white vertical stripe on the side of the arms and legs. ...Of course, the white color has been turned into dark gray by the man.

This man is quite downcast, poor, and... depressed.

This was the first conclusion Xiao Ning came to.

She thought for a moment, stopped Qiu Xinxin's urge to continue arguing with the man, took a step forward, and said calmly: "Sir, you just said that you understand this case, so please tell me, do you understand Zhuo Xiaoying?" This victim? Or the villagers who have been doing evil for many years and doing whatever they can to stop it?"

The man's pupils shrank and he roared excitedly: "Who said Zhuo Xiaoying must be the victim? Who said the villagers must have done evil? Did you see it with your own eyes?"

Xiao Ning's tone was neither humble nor arrogant, and she said slowly: "I didn't see it with my own eyes."

The man snorted coldly: "So you, like those lawyers and judges, are not good people! You just talk about things you haven't seen with your own eyes, creating unjust cases one after another, and fabricating one so-called big case after another!"

Qiu Xinxin became excited again: "You are the one who made it up! We are all handling the case legally!"

Xiao Ning was much calmer: "Just because you didn't see it with your own eyes doesn't mean it doesn't exist. In law, there are many ways to collect evidence to prove whether something really happened or was fabricated."

The man seemed to be lost in thought by Xiao Ning's calm and thoughtful statement.

Xiao Ning struck while the iron was hot: "Of course, if the evidence is not collected well or professionally, then the case will be mishandled and people will be wronged. This kind of situation definitely happens in reality. Just like Zhuo Xiaoying, wasn't it the same at the beginning? Have you been wrongfully accused of a murder case? But you can’t say that all cases are unjust because someone has been wrongly accused, and you can’t say that all judges and lawyers are not good people just because some judges and lawyers are unreliable, right?”

This man must have some unspeakable grievances, otherwise he would not attack an unrelated case and then attack a lawyer he has never met.

Unless you are empathic, encounter a similar scene, and put yourself into it, you will be so excited.

This is the second conclusion Xiao Ning has come to about this man.

So she took the opportunity to ask him: "Do you have any unjust cases? Do you need help? We are also lawyers, and we..."

As soon as she said that this man also had an unjust case, the man immediately took a few steps away alertly, with a very excited and resisting attitude: "I didn't! No! No need for help! Leave me alone!"

After saying that, he hunched over and ran away as if he was running away!

Qiu Xinxin geared up in frustration: "Really, I haven't had a good fight with this annoying man yet, and he's so cowardly?"

Xiao Ning looked at the man's back thoughtfully for a while, then said softly: "He's not a coward, he's hiding things in his heart that he can't bring out."

Qiu Xinxin had a question mark on her face and had no idea what Xiao Ning was talking about.

However, this strange man is just a sideshow.

The two separated at the intersection and went home in their own ways.

Until the end, Qiu Xinxin could not persuade Xiao Ning to participate in the Fengyun Award competition in person. As a last resort, she had to discuss with Niu Bin first to prepare the final speech...

Xiao Ning's side.

Back in the ward, Bai Yeyuan was not back yet...

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