Dear Commander-in-Chief

Chapter 2847: Uncle, are you tired of the new?

Xiao÷shuo◎网 】, ♦Xiao÷shuo◎.com 】,

Bai Yeyuan's Adam's apple was a little tight.

This little thing really feels a bit like "rice is in the pot and people are in bed".

If the child is born smoothly and everything goes on track according to his expectations and arrangements, then soon, maybe he will really be able to enjoy this peaceful scene of time.

As for now... people can't be bullied for the time being, and they can still enjoy their meals.

He strode over and lifted the glass lid on the soup bowl.

The rich taste of mushroom soup hits your nostrils instantly.

Without thinking, he picked up the soup bowl and drank it all in one gulp!


It seems that the soup tastes a little...

"Ah sneeze——!"

"Ah sneeze——!"

"Ah sneeze——!"

Bai Yeyuan sneezed several times in a row. His cold temperament, which was always cold and dignified, was suddenly shaken by the joyful sneezes.

Xiao Ning closed her eyes by the bed, biting the quilt and smiled secretly.

Deserve it!

Hehehe, you stinky man, after doing bad things outside, you still want to drink the soup I made by myself?

Don't even think about it!

Bai Yeyuan looked suspiciously at the little thing curled up in a ball on the hospital bed and buried in the quilt.

The next second, he stepped towards the bed and wanted to lift the quilt directly, but his big hand paused in mid-air and did not fall down after all.

Instead, he suppressed his voice and said in a deep voice: "Little one, what did you add to the soup, huh?"

Xiao Ning pretended not to be able to sleep and did not hesitate. Instead, she showed her little face and blinked her big clear eyes: "This is my newly researched formula. Different formulas naturally have different tastes. Why, do you like it?" Are you tired of the old and the new?"

Bai Yeyuan frowned: "Why do you like the old and dislike the new? Please change the formula for me!"

The mushroom soup he likes has the unique taste of small things. He doesn't like mushroom soup mixed with other flavors.

Just like the mushroom soup made by Liu Rushi, it seemed to be filled with expensive ingredients such as sea cucumber and fish maw. It was expensive, but it was also boring to death. He didn't want to take a second look at it!

It is strange to say that a young lady like Liu Rushi, who had never been seen to love cooking before, now brings soup every day and claims to have made it by herself. When did that woman become so fond of cooking?

But no matter what, he, Bai Yeyuan, has no interest in matching other people's cooking skills!

He just likes to eat mushroom soup that tastes like Little Things!

Xiao Ning curled her lips: "I won't change! I don't even have the right to cook anymore? If you don't like to eat, go to someone else's place to eat. Why do you ask me to do it..."

Bai Yeyuan was startled.

Then he realized something: "Is it because of someone else that you are quarreling with me? Are you jealous?"

Xiao Ning blushed at what he said and was extremely embarrassed: "You are overthinking. I can eat both sweet and bitter, but I don't like to be jealous."

Bai Yeyuan's complexion gradually improved, and he pinched her arm meaningfully: "But I felt that the mushroom soup just had a strong smell of vinegar..."

Xiao Ning stared: "Nonsense! I obviously added pepper! Pepper!"

Bai Yeyuan sneezed again, and then rang the bell to let Ye Yi in: "Pour me another bowl of soup!"

Xiao Ning bit her lip: "Didn't you say you don't like the taste?"

Bai Yeyuan glanced at her lightly and said slowly, "I just like the smell of vinegar with pepper."

Xiao Ning: "..."

Could this man want to piss her off to death?


At night when going to bed.

After Bai Yeyuan finished reviewing the documents, he walked through the door of the adjacent ward and came to Xiao Ning's side.

He unceremoniously lifted her quilt and climbed onto her hospital bed!

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